Ready for this simply mouthwatering pan of mushroom, spinach and super creamy bechamel stuffed manitcotti? I am always ready when this pan of cheesy goodness...
I made this recipe up for my husband who loves roasted red peppers. You can roast your own peppers if you have a gas stove or you can broil or grill them....
I like to add in a couple tablespoons of fresh lemon juice also! Please adjust the curry powder to taste. This recipe will make four about 3/4-inch patties...
This is my favorite way to fry shrimp! The recipe comes from The Bubba Gump Shrimp Company Cookbook. The secret ingredient is the Spicy French dressing!...
This is a recipe that was born from having no money and still needing to find dinner :) It's a hearty yummy soup, that is super easy to make. Seasonings...
Cheese-stuffed burgers (a.k.a., Juicy Lucy or Jucy Lucy) are an iconic burger invented in a Minneapolis bar in the 1950s. Here is our version of this cheesy...
This is the best recipe for tofu steak ever! Marinated in a fabulous sesame soy marinade sauce and seared in a grill pan for beautiful grill lines and...
I eat a fair amount of fish so I keep this handy in my kitchen. I find it flavorful enough that I don't miss salt. Good on fish or seafood, even in tuna...
When you are craving something with lots of butter and garlic and perhaps something a little out of the ordinary! Believe it or not, the kids all love...
This vegan lasagna recipe is layered with vegan bolognese, vegan ricotta, a vegan cheese sauce and a marinara sauce for the most deliciously decadent lasagna...
From Paula's Quick & Easy Meals, Special Collector's Issue. (Note: Can cook several hours on low simmer. I find soups & stews such as this one taste better...
This recipe appeared in food and wine. I love it because it's a great little appetizer that is both savory and sweet...a great palate cleanser. Instead...
From Schwans' box. This is good and simple. I know that the addition of the butter on the top of the dish seems like too much, but it really is necessary....
Chef Steve Kemp, CC shared his special recipe with everyone on's website. This soup recipe will also be a great addition to our Zaar World Tour...
I've never been a fan of the traditional "sweet relish" Deviled Eggs, so I created this recipe over the years. They have a nice savory flavor that's always...
This is a delightful variation of the standard Bacon Wrapped scallop. It can be used as an appetizer, or main entree. The secret is the Apple Wood Smoked,...
Amazing recipe to marinate salmon prior to smoking. We've used this recipe the last 4 years with great success. Gives a tangy, flavorful bite to smoke...
This great compound butter is very easy to make. The recipe yields enough in order to make a batch that can be kept in the freezer. From the roll that...
My friend Gina is amazing- and once you try this spinach salad you'll see why. It's easy, you can prep it ahead of time and everyone (yes, everyone) loves...
It's BBQ and strawberry season!! Celebrate the summer months by firing up the grill and giving a delightful jump start to your taste buds. Top heart-healthy...
This lacto-ovo vegetarian recipe is one of the ones I've been making longest. It comes from a recipe card collection you would subscribe to buy one packet...
There is another recipe quite similar to this one, except for one addition: Beer. I'm not that crazy about the taste of beer in cooking, so here is my...
This is a variation of a Recipezaar recipe for sugar-seared salmon (very tasty!). I decided to experiment with how I could make this recipe work with scallops...
This is a DELICIOUS, tasty, easy to make recipe for salmon. The sauce really makes the recipe. I seen it made on the local TV station and I made it the...
I've made these for years, and it's a great way to use leftover chicken or turkey! If you're not in the mood for tarragon, just use your favorite spices!...
Dosas are a thin, savory crepe-like Indian pancake traditionally eaten for breakfast, but I like them anytime. These may not be very authentic, but they...
Sauteed scallops in rich creamy tarragon sauce on bed of smashed potatoes and steamed fresh spinach. Great for a romantic twosome or dinner party! This...