This really is the bomb! Bacon-wrapped sausage stuffed with cheese, onions, jalapenos, and more bacon is as artery-clogging as it is delicious! Serve on...
This tortellini recipe is excellent for a slow cooker. Keep an eye on your tortellini, as it may be done sooner. If it looks soupy, leave the lid off for...
These burgers combine beef and sausage with all the fixin's right inside! They're made for grilling outside, but could easily be done on an indoor grill,...
A delicious meal that combines the freshness of homemade pesto and the decadence of the sausage and ricotta ravioli stuffing. A sure-fire hit with your...
This is a great hearty breakfast casserole. I will saute and throw in any vegetables that I have around as well. I found that mushrooms and broccoli do...
Using best-quality sausages and tomatoes gives this from-scratch version of Sarah's favourite comfort food a real smack of flavour. Finish with freshly...
Try something new with our Bratwurst Wraps recipe! Grilling the precooked bratwursts just until browned helps give our delicious Bratwurst Wraps their...
Pot pie doesn't have to feel heavy-this spring version features tender leeks, creamy new potatoes, and sweet peas in a light, lemony sauce. An herb-packed...