We like sandwiches that send juices running down to our elbows, which is why we insist on dressing the lettuce. If you want to use store-bought giardiniera,...
Wish you were here in Philadelphia, eating a cheese steak. No doubt about it, cheese steak is the quintessential Philly food. Too bad it can pack more...
The battered and fried artichokes in this vegan sandwich recipe have a satisfying crunch and a kind of buttery and tangy bite to them that you're going...
Soft scrambled eggs in about a minute? We didn't believe it either until we tried Wylie Dufresne's recipe. Mixing in cream cheese adds back the richness...
Burgers aren't the only grilled things we want to eat with our hands. Thanks to a flavorful brine and a supershort cook time, sandwich-friendly boneless...
This classic oatmeal bread machine recipe is perfect for great tasting lunch sandwiches... and oatmeal bread adds some healthy oatmeal into your family's...
Progression of a tomato sandwich: On buttered bread with salt; on bread with mayo and cheddar; seasoned and grilled with cheddar and mayo. They're all...
This crispy sandwich gets a double hit of heat, thanks to a tangy Tabasco sauce brine and cayenne-spiked coating. A crisp buttermilk slaw and creamy herbed...