This dish can help generate a little sunny feeling in the darkest days of winter. It's partly about the color story, with the pretty coral tones of the...
From Canada with love - a superb way of serving salmon fillets with a bit of a sweet kick. This can't-miss recipe is from my great friend Sharon O. in...
This recipe is so easy to make for a weekday or fancy weekend meal. The little bit of honey gives the salmon a great taste even the pickiest of eaters...
If I had known these were going to come out as good as they did, I would've used much more impressive ingredients for the filling. But despite going full...
This recipe uses seven of 10 EatSmart tactics: fatty fish, good carbs, vegetables, fiber, nuts, smaller portions and no trans fats. These simple tactics...
A firm favourite from my travels, this beautiful, delicate dish sums up everything I love about Swedish food: it's elegant, clean and fresh, it looks incredible...
Need a new way to do fish? Or want to try salmon, but don't care for fish? This recipe is super easy and wonderfully delicious. Take it from me, I am not...
This salmon is bursting with flavor and very tender. It's easy to make and clean up, and the capers add an extra zing! Be careful when opening foil, as...
I kind of threw this Dijon mustard salmon together with ingredients I had on hand. It turned out really well, much better than I was expecting. A tangy,...
I use this recipe when I have leftover baked salmon. If I do not think I will have enough for this dish, I add canned salmon. You can also add other ingredients...
Miso is one of my latest favorite ingredients-with its distinctive flavor, it makes a delicious marinade for these tender salmon skewers. With a sprinkling...