Chicken salad often finds its way to my summer menus, served on greens or a croissant. I think this one is just a little special. It's sweet and juicy...
Marinated boneless chicken breast strips are placed on a bed of lettuce with mandarin oranges, walnuts, and golden raisins, then dressed in a tangy lime...
This has long been my go-to recipe for Easter brunch, potluck lunches, bridal and baby showers, or really, anytime we want a delicious chicken salad. It...
Cooked chicken, red grapes, slivered almonds, and pineapple chunks make a lovely savory-sweet salad that's dressed with a mild curry mayonnaise. Papaya...
When using raw kohlrabi in a salad, it's important to use a mandoline to slice it wafer-thin. This allows you to make the most of its delicate, crunchy...
Prepare all the vegetables and the dressing for this chopped salad up to a day ahead of time, and store them in separate containers. When you arrive at...
Chicken salad often finds its way to my summer menus, served on greens or a croissant. I think this one is just a little special. It's sweet and juicy...
Made with hearty ground beef and all the taco toppings, this Classic Taco Salad recipe is the perfect addition to your Taco Tuesday or the ultimate taco...
This is by far the best summer salad I have ever made! You can adjust the amount of spice, depending on your preference by adding more or less jalapeno...
Buckwheat noodles, called soba, a Japanese stable, are the backbone of this classic composed salad. It also includes shiso leaves, daikon, sake, and radish...
Family favorite. Quick and easy and quite refreshing treat on outdoor retreats. Recipes ending result depends on quality of grapes. For added flavor you...
Chicken salad often finds its way to my summer menus, served on greens or a croissant. I think this one is just a little special. It's sweet and juicy...
Great on a warm summer day and kid-approved! Great for wedding and baby showers. Some planning ahead with having to cook the chicken, noodles, and eggs...
Your favorite Vietnamese sandwich has gone vegan, served in a bowl. Classic ingredients are replaced with vegan alternatives and you get to eat it with...
The flavoring mixture, which accounts for most of the ingredients, is easy to assemble and, as a bonus, serves as both meat marinade and salad dressing....
Even the vegetable-averse will go for hearty greens and beets topped with a creamy blend of tofu, lemon, garlic, and anchovy. Leftover dressing makes a...
The flavoring mixture, which accounts for most of the ingredients, is easy to assemble and, as a bonus, serves as both meat marinade and salad dressing....
This light and tangy summer salad combines the smoky flavor of grilled chicken with the crunch and sweetness of apples and grapes. Serve it with croissants...
My Italian husband adores this chicken salad with black olives. It's best made with plenty of fresh herbs! Fabulous served on a romaine lettuce bed with...
In this simple roasted chicken salad, the warm dressing is built from the dark caramelized lemon and chicken drippings, broth, and lemon juice. For the...
This light and tangy summer salad combines the smoky flavor of grilled chicken with the crunch and sweetness of apples and grapes. Serve it with croissants...
Dorito Taco Salad is made with vegan ground beef, lettuce, black beans, olives and tomatoes, covered in a Catalina dressing. This Taco Salad comes together...