Being a military family we get the pleasure of meeting people from all over the world. My girlfriend who lives in Guam gave me this recipe. So that I don't...
From the back of a Good Seasons Italian Salad Dressing & Recipe Mix envelope. Delicious and filling. The brown rice tastes like ground beef in the finished...
Serve up this hearty beef fried rice recipe in just 35 minutes. Stretch a small amount of steak into a meal by adding the beef to Zatarain's Beef Flavor...
I had a look at some of the other recipes like this on Recipezaar but mine is a little different so here it is. Occasionally we will have a roast turkey...
The age-old combination of rice and beans takes on a bit of an Indian flair. If you can't find basmati rice, substitute Texmati, jasmine, or any long-grain...
From Canadian Living, a deliciously interesting salad that can be made from 30 minutes to 24 hours ahead! Time does not include 30 minutes minimum chill...
Don't let the name fool you, this is not served at Italian weddings. Wikipedia says of it's origin, "The term "wedding soup" is a mistranslation of the...
This is from Richard (Dick) Immershein. Cook the rice ahea of time. It needs enough time in the fridge to get cold. Cook the day before or at least a few...
This turned out to be my favorite dish this Christmas! This is not a skimpy rice dish. It puffs up beautifully (and evenly) in your pan and resembles a...
This is another great recipe from Kitchen Assistant. Note that this recipe only makes enough for 2 servings...I double it even when it is just DH and I...
All of the Instant Pot® recipes I have seen in the past call for cooking the rice separately on the stove while the beans are cooking. I wanted to throw...
In Chinese tradition, eight is a lucky number. It's represented here by the delicious "treasures" that comprise the dish: eggs, shrimp, shiitake mushrooms,...
The original recipe was given to me by my Russian Grandmother 55 years ago. I made some modifications to enhance the flavor. These are excellent cabbage...
We make this congee every year for breakfast the morning after Thanksgiving. Take your Thanksgiving turkey carcass and put it to work to make this incredibly...