If you don't rinse the rice, it will be gummy. If you don't parboil the rice, it'll be dry and tough. If you don't use yogurt, eggs, and oil, it will never...
A delicious way to use arugula outside of salads or pastas. This risotto recipe uses only one pot and is especially great in early spring or late fall...
I got the recipe from Canadian Living and it is a really nice rice with a subtle flavour. If you want more flavour you could add green salsa or hot peppers....
My favorite dirty rice recipe straight from "A COOKS TOUR of SHREVEPORT" cookbook.Some of the ingredients are optional and if you prefer you can use white...
A simple risotto that's easy to make. This recipe is full of flavor and you can customize it to suit your taste. You can add optional ingredients such...
I had pumpkin risotto as a side dish at a local restaurant. It was delicious, so I inquired about its ingredients and preparation and was able to devise...
Here's another one I don't know where I got and haven't tried. Yellow rice is oldest DS's favorite food, so I have been meaning to make this for awhile....
Various versions of this dish are made throughout the Caribbean. You could easily make this a vegetarian dish by omitting the bacon. 1 teaspoon dried basil...
This recipe calls for coconut milk and here is a link to a coconut milk recipe by another zaar member. http://www.recipezaar.com/Creamy-Coconut-Milk-26714...
This rice has such sweet and comforting aroma. Coconut, pineapple...you'll love it. I was looking for a rice dish to go with my Recipe #382313 and this...
This three-in-one dish (chicken, rice, and soup) originated in Hainan, a tropical island off China's southern coast, and has become a culinary staple in...
Spicy Shrimp Fried Rice (Authentic Restaurant Style) is a mix of shrimp with rice, veggies and hot sauce. Packed with flavors, quick and delicious meal...
I watched Alton Brown make this recipe on one of his weekend marathon episodes. Even though I haven't made it yet, it looked delicious, so I'm posting...
I do not like chicken, and get tired of picking it out of chicken based soups. So I came up with this version of tortilla soup, which I love. It is hearty...
This one has been a hit everywhere I take it! It couldn't be any easier to make, AND you can prepare it ahead of time, AND it gets rave reviews - all of...
Poaching chicken in a ginger-scallion broth not only flavors the meat, it leaves you with flavorful stock and rendered fat for crisping up fluffy white...
For this vegetarian dinner, we roast thick wedges of cabbage, carrots, and tofu in a spiced coconut milk sauce until they're wonderfully softened and caramelized....
This is a Brazilian dish that has an odd ingredient, bananas. The bananas are almost a dessert on their own but are eaten along with rice in a dish that...
This is a great recipe for leftover aborio rice. I used Recipe #77050. Do use your favorite cooked Mexican rice. This is Italian rice balls gone South!...