Braided Almond-Cream Wreath (Kranzkuchen) is an almond-paste and rum-raisin-stuffed sweet wreath. It is glorious: sticky and rich, winey with rum and almond...
This recipe uses a pre-made mix that will keep for several weeks. You can look at the recipe for Basic Cookie Mix here at! Use 2 cups for...
This recipe originally accompanied bobotie. Before we learned to make our own chutney from ingredients as diverse as apricots, dates, quinces and raisins,...
You can slice the cauliflower any direction you like, just be watchful of your fingertips on the mandoline and work over a bowl to catch all the bits of...
Sautéed kale, mustard, turnip, beet or collard greens, tossed with toasted pine nuts, golden raisins, a little red pepper and black pepper. Sicilian-style...
If you find yourself with an abundance of cucumbers (or simply a craving for them), this salad taps into their cooling crunch without making a watery mess....
The key to developing crispy browned surfaces on roasted cauliflower is baking in a superhot oven on the lowest rack so the baking sheet is close to the...