Pork chops cooked low and slow become so tender and juicy-and so do the cabbage and apples that cook with them. Serve with a cold beer and imagine yourself...
Pork chops are a timeless classic in both American and Italian cuisine, as simple to prepare as they are delicious to eat. It all starts with a good cut...
Pan-fried pork chops with tomatoes, onion, and feta cheese. You will not be disappointed with this wonderful recipe. The pork is tender, moist, and full...
Stove-top cooking and pork chops are a match made in heaven. Cooking pork on the stove can lock in more moisture, and there are multiple ways to go about...
The original recipe states that the vegetables should be in cooking oil, but this updated recipe skips the cooking oil. Be sure to spray your pressure...
The recipe transforms thin supermarket pork chops into an unforgettable-juicy-tender-flavor-packed-lip-smacking pork experience. A combination of brining,...
The recipe transforms thin supermarket pork chops into an unforgettable-juicy-tender-flavor-packed-lip-smacking pork experience. A combination of brining,...
This smothered pork chops recipe is a beautiful combination of dark, rich onion gravy covering pan-fried pork chops. And you know that when a dish has...
This smothered pork chops recipe is a beautiful combination of dark, rich onion gravy covering pan-fried pork chops. And you know that when a dish has...
This is a fantastic, easy weeknight dish that tastes like it took hours to prepare. Serve it with the extra gravy on top. I also cook and mash cauliflower...
If you are a lover of pepper in all its forms, you really must experience this dish. With 4 kinds of peppercorns producing a fairly spicy crust, these...
I've made this recipe for years as a quick after work dinner. Inexpensive and delicious. I pack up leftovers for lunch for no waste. Use with boneless...
If you are a lover of pepper in all its forms, you really must experience this dish. With 4 kinds of peppercorns producing a fairly spicy crust, these...
This is a fantastic, easy weeknight dish that tastes like it took hours to prepare. Serve it with the extra gravy on top. I also cook and mash cauliflower...
These pressure cooker pork chops are a great, quick, and easy weeknight meal. The one-pot pressure cooker makes cleanup a snap and brings dinner to the...
I've made this recipe for years as a quick after work dinner. Inexpensive and delicious. I pack up leftovers for lunch for no waste. Use with boneless...
I've made this recipe for years as a quick after work dinner. Inexpensive and delicious. I pack up leftovers for lunch for no waste. Use with boneless...
I've made this recipe for years as a quick after work dinner. Inexpensive and delicious. I pack up leftovers for lunch for no waste. Use with boneless...
I've made this recipe for years as a quick after work dinner. Inexpensive and delicious. I pack up leftovers for lunch for no waste. Use with boneless...
Tender full-flavored pork chops that are always a crowd pleaser. Great on the grill! Pat dry the meat before you put it on the grill for good grill marks....