Polenta is nothing more than coarsely ground cornmeal. The classic ratio is 1 part polenta to 4 parts water, but I like to measure the polenta just a little...
This versatile side dish would work great along with pork, chicken, beef or fish. The trick is to slowly add the cornmeal and whisk constantly to avoid...
Why stir polenta forever when this delicious recipe works beautifully? I like to roast veggies (eggplant, zucchini, onion) while the polenta bakes, then...
My entire family loves this recipe. A quick baked polenta topped with red sauce. Very easy to make and great the next day too (and the day after that!)...
Simple directions on how to cook plain polenta. There are many options for polenta once it is cooked: you can mix in fresh herbs and cheeses, bake it,...
Rich, tomato-based casserole made with sweet Italian sausage, baked in a polenta crust and topped with mozzarella cheese. This is a great substitution...
A fairly quick and simple recipe that utilizes store bought sauce and polenta to save time for busy folks. This casserole is VERY rich, so use small servings....
Want a different family side dish but with flavors sure to please? Then try this. With some store-bought polenta in a tube and a few other ingredients,...
Ground turkey, beans, polenta, and just the right seasonings make this dish amazing! My family devours this time and time again. I love the way the polenta...
When I first began my career as a cook in San Francisco, I remember talking with a Chef about an upcoming menu on which he was thinking of using polenta...
Creamy polenta is seasoned with Parmesan and rosemary -- delicious served with osso buco (braised lamb or veal shanks). This is excellent without the rosemary...
Grilled polenta rounds are crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, and topped with a fresh salsa for a light and refreshing appetizer in the hot summer...
Benvenuto, meatless Monday! This is a vegan adaptation of traditional Italian creamy polenta and thick ragu full of vegetable proteins. Bake leftover polenta...
This is a great twist on the traditional french fry. If you don't want to go to the trouble of making your own by scratch, you can always buy prepared...
Why buy polenta in a box when you can make it from scratch cheaper? A great day-before dish. Once the polenta has been refrigerated serve it in a variety...
Polenta goes high tech by cooking it in the Instant Pot®! You can make this recipe as is for a complete meal or only use the Instant Pot® to prepare...
These polenta fries made in the air fryer are simple, crunchy, delicious, and addictive. My first batch was an experiment and they were so good that I...
Creamy polenta without any animal products. Serve this for a savory accompaniment to your meals. Polenta goes very well with tomato-based dishes, beans,...
From Italy's Emilia-Romagna, creamy polenta and cranberry beans are cooked together and then pan-fried. This particular version hails from Modena, famous...
Polenta, a staple of Northern Italian cuisine, is traditionally made by adding cornmeal to boiling salted water and stirring with a wooden spoon until...
What's more Southern than grits? My own version of a dish that is a house specialty at a restaurant in the Florida Panhandle. I've tweaked the original...
It's a great day when my mom serves up this Southern specialty! Cooked grits are combined with seasonings, cheese, and eggs, then baked. The eggs are the...
Add some fresh spinach, garlic, and Italian cheeses to your polenta to give it that extra amazing flavor. The homemade tomato seafood sauce in this recipe...
This is an easy casserole kind of dish that I came up with. Wanted something hearty and low maintenance. I make the polenta myself so no need to run to...
This tasty polenta cooked in the microwave can be ready in minutes. It is particularly handy if you want to whip some up real fast to chill, slice, and...
Grits are a staple on the Southern table for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and can be served sweet or savory. Adding blue cheese turns this ordinary side...
Fresh summer vegetables paired with creamy polenta baked in an Italian sauce and topped with cheese -- delicioso! I recommend serving it with crusty garlic...
When we had our restaurant, one of our specials on Thursday night was polenta and chicken. We always had polenta left over and Dad would complain about...
Polenta baked with Gorgonzola and grated Parmesan is also known as polenta concia. It's a typical dish of the Northern Italian Lombardy region, where Gorgonzola...
Pre-made polenta, Cajun seasoning, olive oil, and a little salt are all you need for these crispy polenta fries. They are great right out of the oven but...