We are Italian and if you go through my recipes you'll find alot of wonderful, quick and easy pasta dishes. We love our pasta and we love garlic, too!...
This is an easy recipe with tons of flavor, rigatoni pasta can be used in place of penne. If you are using spicy sausages then omit the chili flakes. Try...
A nice twist on asparagus and pasta salad. A quick easy dish with a light lemony, tangy sauce, but very fast. Pair this along a grilled piece of fish or...
Of course you can use your favorite bottled pasta sauce of your choice to make this recipe, but it is really the sauce that makes this (do not omit the...
I use Chianti wine for this recipe but any good dry red wine will do, this can be made using a mixture of ground beef and pork but Italian sausage meat...
Incredibly rich side....not a recipe for dieters, but it tastes absolutely heavenly! Adding a little cream to the leftovers and stirring will help the...
I love baked pasta, but wanted to make something a little different from most of the recipes that I saw. I use homemade marinara and homemade pesto, but...
Very fast, very easy, rich/creamy, yet much lower in calories and fat than the traditional recipes. Make this a one dish meal by adding some sauteed mushrooms,...
What speaks more of spring than asparagus? Velvety textures of cream and the smoked salmon are well balanced with crisp-tender asparagus and the freshness...
The sauce is the key to this recipe....HEAVY CREAM, PARMESAN CHEESE, WINE, etc. with CHICKEN & SHRIMP, cooking the penne pasta is the easy part. This recipe...
This is your basic Italian/American red sauce. Nothing fancy, but perfect every time. This is the sauce to use for all of your dishes - Pasta, Baked Ziti,...
Smoked sausage is my new go to meat for a tight budget, so I have been searching for something to use it in besides Jambalaya. I found this recipe in a...
Fast, easy and delicious! You can make this recipe with different kinds of noodles and vegetables and also you can add more or less hot peppers (or Tabasco!)...
I love this pasta dish in the summer. It is filling without being too heavy, and fresh asparagus in season is the best. This is not meant to have a heavy...
A slight variation from a Bon Appetite recipe from March 2000. It is made in under 30 minutes - perfect for a weekday meal yet satisfying enough to serve...
I found this on another website, but haven't had a chance to try it yet. Hearty Italian sausage sauteed with garlic and red pepper flakes are simmered...
I found a similar recipe in our local newspaper, but it did not have the taste and flavor that I feel did it justice. So, I made numerous additions and...
This is the exact recipe for Sweet Tomatoes/Soup Plantation's Salad. I go there as often as possible for this salad. Finally learned how to make it myself....
I'm an anchovy-lover. If you are one too, you will like this. If you know an anchovy-hater, don't tell them and I bet they won't even know. The anchovies...
This is a very easy homemade recipe that has all the traditional tastes of Italy. It's a Penne Rigate dish with Roasted Red Pepper, Artichoke, Onion &...
Take advantage of the seasonal bounty of asparagus and make this wonderful pasta. By using the water from the asparagus and pasta you will retain some...
Rotini pasta may be used in place of penne, prep time does not include cooking the pasta --- if desired sprinkle 1-2 cups grated cheddar cheese on the...
Heavenly!!! This is a family favorite that is very easy to put together. A good quality white wine works best.... enjoy! Cooking time includes waiting...
I saw this recipe being made on "Everyday Italian" on the food network. The original recipe did not call for chicken, but I think it needed a little meat...
This recipe from Sunset uses only one pan. Yup, a single pan! The secret is to use frozen cooked shrimp and prepared pesto. When I make it, I thaw the...
I was sent a link to a wonderful sounding asparagus pasta recipe with balsamic butter by a wonderful friend of mine. It sounded so good, but had a few...
I developed this recipe after having something similar at an Italian restaurant. My husband loves it! The pine nuts really add a special element of flavor....
This delicious pasta dish came off the back of San Giorgio's Penne Rigate pasta box. We love it. Sometimes I add sauteed chicken breast to it for a complete...
This is an absolutely fabulous pasta side dish I created to go along with my scallops in white wine sauce. It really highlights the scallops. Hope you...