The classic combination of peaches and cream is as simple as it sounds: peaches, lightly sweetened and simmered, need only a splash of cold heavy cream...
Short of serving store-bought ice cream, you won't find a simpler, more delicious dessert than this fruit cobbler. Use any juicy summer fruit: peaches,...
Juicy, sweet peaches and blueberries with an oat-and-cinnamon topping makes a simply delicious dessert! Top this home-style dessert with vanilla or cinnamon...
This recipe was inspired by one from Renee Erickson's in cookbook, 'A Boat, a Whale, and a Walrus.' It's a lot crispier than a regular cobbler, and you...
This is a quick but company-worthy cobbler. So simple, yet wins rave reviews. If desired, use 2 (32 ounce) cans of peaches in place of fresh peaches. If...
My son took first place in a baking contest with this one. Serve warm or cold plain, with ice cream or whipped cream. When I use apples, a sprinkle of...
This is a very simple, yet delicious end to a grilled meal. Peaches are grilled with a balsamic glaze, then served up with crumbled blue cheese. A sophisticated,...
I was searching for a peach cobbler recipe that reminded me of the yummy dessert I ate as a young girl in Southeast Missouri. No shortcuts here. Fresh...
The easiest dessert that everybody loves. I got the idea from my mom and she got it from my grandma. The thing I changed is, I don't use a cake mix. I...
Yummy peach cobbler made with cake mix. It makes you feel as though you are in the South on a warm sunny day. This recipe is inexpensive, easy, and surprisingly...
This is a great recipe I came up with when our white peach tree yielded sooo many peaches I had to figure out many ways to use them.... Even my kids love...
A creamy, delicious Summertime treat! This recipe contains raw eggs. We recommend that pregnant women, young children, the elderly and the infirm do not...
The fresh taste of peaches combined with fresh blueberries, warm and slightly spicy, under a crunchy, soft biscuit topping. Serve warm with ice cream....
A delicious recipe filled with sweet and juicy peaches and blackberries. It's perfect for any occasion; once you make this you will be asked for it again...
This is the quickest, easiest and best ever cobbler versatile enough for any canned fruit. We like it best with peaches. Serve warm. Best topped with vanilla...
These homemade peach crumb bars are always a hit. Wait until summer for fresh peaches or use frozen to get that wonderful peach flavor any time of the...
These baked peaches taste like pie, minus the guilt of eating one! Of course all pie is even better with ice cream.Perfect way to make those summer peaches...
Peaches are cut into halves, topped with a brandy-cinnamon sauce, and baked for 30 minutes. Place peaches on individual serving dishes, top with ice cream,...
There was a time when being called a shoemaker was the ultimate kitchen insult. It meant that your cooking skills were so weak, the cobbler down the street...
A friend gave me this recipe and it has always been a pleaser. This is a very quick and easy dessert. It's a recipe friends and family ask me to make for...
Flour dumplings are added to a peach syrupy mixture to create a wonderful dessert. This is an Amish recipe. Using cream or canned milk instead of the milk...
This easy dessert is always a hit in my house. It is especially good for entertaining; your guests think you slaved away baking when all you did was throw...
Never use more than 1 quart of fruit. Only use fresh fruit for this recipe. Any variation will work! I usually do use sweetened peaches and lightly sugared...
Turn on the appliances: For Quick Peach Melba, microwave fresh peaches in a little peach schnapps. Raspberry sauce will zip together fast in a food processor...
Sweet fried peaches with a hint of whiskey...good as a side dish or on top of vanilla ice cream for a tasty dessert. Use a good quality whiskey for the...
My mom was a great Southern scratch cook. She believed a shortcake was basically a lightly sweetened biscuit, made to hold up mounds of beautiful, fresh...
Very easy cobbler. Designed for the laid back person looking for a recipe that tastes like it took a lot of work. Great for other fruits too, enjoy the...
This was my great grandma's recipe from the 40's and earlier. Its so easy to make. I remember this being my favorite dessert from when I was a child. This...