Capture the pure taste of summer with this pasta. The secret: using raw, fresh tomatoes that have never seen the inside of a refrigerator for the tomato...
Spinach is the star of this vegetable lasagna recipe. The veggie-based recipe makes one large lasagna (9 by 13 inches) or two smaller ones (8 by 8). For...
This corkscrew pasta turns sophisticated with a creamy no-cook sauce. It's a dream to make: Just whisk together goat cheese, pasta water, and butter, and...
It's one of our most popular recipes and for good reason. This is our original one-pot pasta recipe, inspired by a dish one of our food editors ate in...
Baking pasta with cheese on top creates a chewy and crispy topping kids will love. You can assemble the dish ahead and refrigerate it, then bake it right...
Unlike stove-top risottos, this oven-baked version requires hardly any stirring. Grate some additional Parmesan cheese to sprinkle on top of the individual...
While we love bulgur in a traditional tabbouleh, this high-fiber, quick-cooking grain can do so much more. Try it in our California-Style Veggie Burgers...
Here's a formula for effortless summer food: the freshest ingredients plus a cook's restraint. Take this pasta. Just tear some bright-red tomatoes with...
This family-friendly pasta dish made with bow-tie pasta, chicken sausage, mozzarella cheese, and Parmesan is absolutely batty. It comes together it under...
It's a bold claim, but this mac and cheese from Kurt Beecher Dammeier's "Pure Flavor" cookbook is that good. Three types of cheese-cheddar, Gruyere, and...
A pinch of brilliant burnt-orange saffron, the stigmas of small purple crocuses, gives a dish a slightly bitter and floral flavor. Saffron is traditionally...
Making marinara sauce with fresh tomatoes is a game-changer. Our secret to infusing it with big flavor? Simmering with sprigs of basil, then finishing...
We love this diminutive grain for its gentle nutty flavor, speedy preparation time, and exceptional nutritional profile. Whether you choose white, red,...
The cherry tomatoes cook just long enough to bring out their juice, which blends with the garlic-flavored olive oil to make one of the best-tasting pasta...
Less is more in this quick and easy weeknight dinner. It calls for just five main ingredients (penne, broccoli, garlic, lemon, and Parmesan) and requires...
What better way to enjoy spring's bounty than with a dish packed with asparagus? This gourmet take on mac and cheese will have the whole family excited...
Unlike white rice, brown rice retains the nutritious bran and germ covering of the rice grain. This gives it a chewy texture, a nutty aroma, and plenty...
When musician John Legend visited Martha Stewart, he shared this recipe for his favorite Southern comfort food. Learn how to make the singer's delicious,...