Acini di pepe is a small, round, pasta perfect for soups and salads. This salad can be served hot, cold, or my favorite, room temperature. Try some different...
Garden veggies with fusilli pasta, Italian Parsley, Genoa salami and creamy Italian dressing makes for a pasta salad that will be a favorite at your next...
A great side dish for the summer picnic. I made this on accident when I put some soup ingredients into the bowl instead of the stock pot. I doctored it...
I first made this for my husband to take for a guy's skiing weekend. He didn't want a 'girlie' pasta salad, so this one has taco beef and cheese. Very...
This pasta salad is not only delicious, but very versatile. It can be used as an appetizer or a side dish. It's great because it is not a traditional pasta...
This seven-layer salad takes some inspiration from the salads they sell at Boots (pasta shells and julienned carrots) and some inspiration from my grandmother...
This is a take-off of a pricey deli salad that my family loves. Using ingredients at home, it is much more affordable so we can enjoy it more often. Store...
Acini di pepe is a small, round, pasta perfect for soups and salads. This salad can be served hot, cold, or my favorite, room temperature. Try some different...
I created this salad because I wanted something with a little kick and a lot of texture and taste. This is a recipe you can tweak to make it your own....
I created this salad because I wanted something with a little kick and a lot of texture and taste. This is a recipe you can tweak to make it your own....
This is a recipe that I have been making for years. It was always a favorite of my kids, and now the grandkids love it as well. Goes great at any summer...
Good for lunch or dinner, this warm-weather pasta salad is a complete meal when served over a bed of lettuce with a side of fresh sliced garden tomatoes...
This is an excellent pasta salad that is great to make for the week ahead or to bring to potlucks! Make it -- you won't be disappointed. You may frown...
I created this salad because I wanted something with a little kick and a lot of texture and taste. This is a recipe you can tweak to make it your own....
This pasta salad is not only delicious, but very versatile. It can be used as an appetizer or a side dish. It's great because it is not a traditional pasta...
This pasta salad is not only delicious, but very versatile. It can be used as an appetizer or a side dish. It's great because it is not a traditional pasta...
Adapted a traditional Amish macaroni salad recipe. Made this for July 4th weekend and there was not one ounce left the first night! Celery seed really...
This Pasta salad is a nutritious and light summer meal or side dish. My 4 yr old loves the veggies in this. I regularly use up grilled leftovers (chicken...
I invented this fresh and easy recipe when I found myself continually invited to summer potlucks, and I needed a no-fuss dish to make. You can even make...
Delicious mushroom pasta with its flavour delicately enhanced and lightened with mint. Eaten as a cold salad with BBQ or as a warm side dish for French...
This is an excellent pasta salad that is great to make for the week ahead or to bring to potlucks! Make it -- you won't be disappointed. You may frown...
A well-balanced meal in a bowl! Goes well with a nice slice of Italian or French bread. This is a FAVE to take to work or school for lunch with both my...
This pasta salad is not only delicious, but very versatile. It can be used as an appetizer or a side dish. It's great because it is not a traditional pasta...
I created this recipe as I was using up leftover ingredients, and it was a delicious surprise! The dressing gives it just the right amount of tanginess,...