Meatless doesn't mean dainty. When making a veggie-centric sandwich, load up on aggressive flavors and contrasting textures, and be sure to add something...
This vegetarian version of the classic appetizer uses soy sauce, smoked paprika, and smoked almonds to pack so much savory flavor that no one will miss...
The sweet potatoes almost melt as they cook under pressure in the Instant Pot, lending a silky texture and sweet flavor to this harissa-spiced chili. If...
Simple yet satisfying, chicken paprikash is a Hungarian recipe made with chicken browned in butter and cooked with onions and paprika, then finished with...
Transforming cream into butter is one of the most satisfying acts of kitchen alchemy you can perform, and it comes with the bonus of controlling exactly...
An easy Duck Prosciutto recipe. Use Moulard duck breasts, Once cured, slice them very thinly and serve with a salad or garnish with tart blueberry preserves,...
Inspired by Spanish flavors, this fried chicken from chef Suzanne Goin of Los Angeles' A.O.C. gets a spicy boost in both the marinade and the seasoned...
You run the risk of overcooking pork loin when you sear it in a skillet because it's prone to drying out. This sous vide method completely eliminates that...
Enough cannot be said of the Sri Lankan delicacy black pork curry. Its spiciness comes from the black pepper and its black color from the roasted curry...
This one-pot comfort-food stew takes its flavor cues from chicken paprikash. Cooking low and slow is the key to getting deep flavor and the perfect texture;...
If you love beef tartare but don't love the idea of leaving a bowl of raw beef out at a cocktail party, this recipe is for you. Smoked salmon is a party-friendly...