This dish uses just one skillet to prepare. Quick, easy and delicious. Tomato paste and chicken broth combine to make a tasty sauce. Garnish with fresh...
Tender chunks of chicken breast are cooked together with onion, zucchini, mushrooms, bell pepper, and pesto sauce for a flavorful sandwich filling that...
Fresh basil is essential to get that fresh burst of flavor with a hint of sweet and sour in this dish. The ingredients are all on hand when my herb garden...
Savory, sweet and simply divine. This stunning dish marries two amazing flavors in an amazing way, for easy but high-class food. Best when marinated for...
A popular dish at a fast-food chain restaurant is trending all over the US right now. If you are the one that goes in and asks for extra spicy, well this...
Looking for a new recipe to make for dinner tonight? Whip up this easy Summer Chicken and Vegetable Skillet dish in just 30 minutes using Bear Creek®...
An homage to my time spent in Austria. Something you might find on a snack cart on the street in Austria or Germany. A tender chicken schnitzel inside...
I promise you this chicken will leave smiles at the dinner table. The sweetness of the apples and cider combined with the savoriness of the rosemary produces...
Pan-fried chicken breasts with a fresh cream cheese dill spread and tomatoes and lettuce on toasty French bread, YUMMY! Oh so good with a glass of wine...
Surprisingly mild and easy to make, this dish takes to substitutions well depending on what you have in the house. Despite the name, even my young children...
Skinless chicken breasts are seasoned with rosemary and pan-fried, then served over basmati rice with a unique, sweet and spicy plum and habaneros salsa....
Thin, crispy chicken breasts fried golden brown makes a filling, quick and delicious sandwich for those busy nights. It's definitely a two-hander! Add...
I liked these that a local restaurant chain made so much, I came up with my own take on this. Blackened chicken with a chipotle aioli and caramelized onion...
Seasoned chicken breasts, sauteed with butter and garlic and topped with a squeeze of fresh lime. This is the best chicken I've ever had! My husband doesn't...
This is a yummy easy recipe that my kids love. Chicken pieces are fried in oil, then dressed with lime juice and cilantro in a dish that goes best served...
Lemony, spicy, flavorful chicken breasts. A good company dish. I like to serve this with plain cooked white or brown rice, and to spoon the sauce over...
This was created after I had to go on a low-fat diet due to gallstones. Cooked on a cast iron skillet, the flavors really mix well and the chicken is very...
I wanted a new chicken recipe today, and my mum loves mustard chicken, so I came up with this recipe and it turned out great! Next time I'm going to double...
Shawarma is a Levantine Arab meat preparation, where meat is placed on a spit and may be grilled for as long as a day. Shawarma can be served with various...
The recipes I found for mango chicken seemed to overwhelm the mangoes with citrus juices. Here's my version, which I believe keeps the flavor of fresh...
I am just loving my spiralizer attachment from KitchenAid®, and it's been super busy in my kitchen! If you don't have the attachment, there are other...
A quick and easy palate-pleaser for the whole family. Looking for something different than the traditional chicken menu options? Combine Italian-inspired...
I've been making this recipe for over 10 years; my family requests it all the time. Great flavor and relatively easy/quick. I serve this with Wild Rice...
This is a simple, quick and delicious dish. All you need are a few spices and, of course, the chicken! The amount of spices are completely up to you. You...