Creamy vanilla pudding, hearty graham crackers, and rich chocolate frosting make this THE MOST awesome dessert. I keep the recipe copied because everyone...
This is extremely easy and the crust doesn't get all soggy the second day. Fat-free ingredients work well. Garnish each slice with a dollop of whipped...
This no-bake, 4-ingredient vegan chocolate pie is perfect for those days when you don't have time or when your oven is tied up. Top with coconut whipped...
This is a favorite of my granddaughters and has become a tradition at Christmastime for the kids. We top the pie with colored sprinkles to match the occasion....
Great dessert with pecan flour crust, chocolate pudding, and Cool Whip®. Garnish with some of the following: Hershey's® Syrup, Powdered Nestle® Quik,...
Chocolate pie. Please note this pie uses raw eggs which should not be consumed by children, pregnant women, or the elderly. Be sure to use only fresh eggs...
Can cookie butter get any better? Try it in this no-bake pie and you be the judge. Sprinkle with more crumbled speculoos cookies, top with whipped cream,...
An easy, elegant, and deliciously creamy no-bake pie. It takes just minutes to assemble, but is an impressive addition to your holiday dessert lineup....
I recently went on a sugar free diet and adapted this recipe accordingly. A unique crust of shredded wheat crackers and pecans encloses a creamy combination...
This may not be the best peanut butter pie, but by golly, it's the EZest!!! Cook and serve pudding is combined with peanut butter in this classic made...
Easy, no-bake refrigerator pie. Loved by kids and adults alike. I use graham or Oreo® crusts; each is excellent. The Oreo® crusts brings out more chocolate...
This is an OLD recipe for eggnog pie. The recipe calls for making eggnog from scratch like my grandmother used to. You can put this in a traditional crust...
A friend served this scrumptious dessert to me one day and I was so surprised to find out what was in it. I am thinking many adaptations could be made...
Do you know anyone who likes peanut butter cups? This is the pie for them! Chocolate pudding, whipped topping, and peanut butter cups in a graham cracker...