This is my mother's recipe. Everyone, German or not, loves it. It is easy to double the recipe as well. I often bring it to potlucks, and we also have...
This tastes just like the cole slaw served at popular fried chicken or fish restaurants. It's excellent with burgers or on top of BBQ'd pork sandwiches,...
Is there anything better than freshly made potato salad? With sausages or pork, it's a dream! This recipe is from Bavaria, Germany, and my family makes...
New potatoes are dressed with a tangy dressing of sour cream, dill weed, parsley and Dijon mustard. Sprinkle with sliced green onions before serving, if...
This is my grandmother's recipe for sweet and sour cabbage slaw that couldn't be simpler to make! My family loves it as a side dish for grilled burgers...
My husband kept talking about 'Freezer Slaw' that his mom made and I couldn't find a recipe for it and she couldn't find hers. Luckily, his aunt still...
Great topping for tacos--also a nice side dish for any type of Mexican or Tex-Mex entree! Hint: The measurements are approximate- I usually make this without...
Oh, such a summertime taste. This easy-to-prepare slaw was given to me by a neighbor who said a little lady from her church gave it to her! A refreshing...
My Nonnie used to make this potato salad for me whenever I was home for the holidays. It's a great alternative to mayo-based potato salads. Red wine vinegar...
This is a little like a slaw. I came up with this really wanting Asian Chicken Salad and I got something even better. This recipe is really something....
This jicama slaw has an awesome blend of flavors and textures. The apple adds some nice sweetness and the dressing has just the right amount of flavor...
This recipe was passed around for years in my Grandmother's beauty salon. She took it to every church supper. It was on the table every Thanksgiving and...
It took a while to get this perfected so it tastes just like our favorite Mexican restaurant. This is a great change up to the ordinary chips and salsa....
This recipe is incredibly easy. A coleslaw with a sweet and tangy blend of Asian flavors. Takes about 5 minutes to make! Make it early in the afternoon,...
Growing up in the foothills of North Carolina and enjoying Eastern North Carolina BBQ, we always had barbecue slaw or red slaw served with our pulled pork....
Easy to make with convenient, packaged coleslaw, in this version the creamy dressing with vinegar, sugar, and vegetable oil is close to what's served at...
This is a cool, delicious, crunchy, savory and sweet broccoli slaw that will satisfy. Try this instead of coleslaw. Tastes just as good if not better the...
Coleslaw made up and put in the freezer. Easy to take out and thaw when you need it in a hurry. It does have a crunch to it and a sweet-sour vinegar based...
This broccoli slaw is a light version of a coleslaw because it doesn't have a heavy mayonnaise dressing--but it's still delicious! Best if refrigerated...