This has amazed our guests for years, but is so easy it leaves me time to enjoy their company! And sometimes hubby and I just have it together with a very...
This recipe is from Chef Eric Ripert of New York City's Le Bernardin, the best fish restaurant in New York, America and arguably even the world. He is...
Something quick and different for the BBQ for all the mussel lovers out there. Preparation time does not include marination time. You could also cheat...
Try something different the next time you have mussels. This is especially attractive if you have some pretty shells to serve the mussel and salad mixture...
After having a wonderful dinner of mussels in a Seattle restaurant, I came home and tried to replicate the lovely dish. After several attempts at replication,...
I was recently inspired on a trip to Cape Cod to incorporate the flavors of Portuguese Kale Soup into a steamed mussel dish. Kale soup was made a staple...
These mussels have the taste of anise from the tarragon,chervil and further complemented with Pernod Ricard. Yes! You can use Absinthe or any liquor that...
The island Bimini in the Bahamas is proud of a certain famous fisherman. Around here, Ernest Hemingway caught the Blue Marlin, which inspired him to write...
From 365 Ways to Cook Pasta. Variation: add 1 cup fresh chopped tomatoes to the buter and saute until tender. You can also substitute pine nuts for the...
This is kind of a cross between Curried Thai Mussels and Belgian Mussels steamed in Witbier. When the recipe is done, serve it up in the pot with a ladle,...
In the Middle Ages, Flemish cities were at the crossroads of the Northern spice routes, and brewers and cooks both took advantage of exotic spices. According...
I love this recipe and have used it for years. My grandmother used to make it at Christmas time. I use this as a CORE Weight Watcher Recipe, but it is...
Simply this is the dish for you if you like mussels. I gave this recipe to my friend's restaurant in Belgium, they now serve this tasty dish. Very much...
A little more elaborate then a basic marinara but still simple, quick and relatively cheap! This recipe will feed 4 people who like to eat or 5-6 light...
These juicy mussels are very easy to prepare. Fresh tomatoes, capers, lemon juice and lemon zest provide the backbone of this traditional dish from Campania....
We love to have mussels and I am always looking for different ways to prepare them. I came across this recipe, by Melissa Clark, New York Times. Farm-raised...
Rachael Ray Recipe: Simple, delish and ready in less than 10 minutes, this recipe should be made first in any menu so you and yours can enjoy mouthfuls...