This easy kale salad comes together with dried cranberries, pine nuts, Parmesan, and a balsamic vinaigrette. No need to massage this make-ahead salad-the...
This Healthy Shepherd's Pie calls for olive oil instead of butter, extra-lean ground beef, lots of vegetables, and a cauliflower-potato mash topping...
This is a classic German potato salad! Thick-sliced potatoes tossed with bacon, onions, herbs, and mustardy vinaigrette. Serve it hot, warm, or cool at...
Aioli is easy to make at home and serves as a garlicky, flavor-boosting accompaniment to vegetables, fish, BLTs, or fries. This mayo-like sauce is the...
Make easy homemade chicken stock in the Instant Pot. It's way better than anything from the store and superfast. This pressure cooker chicken stock recipe...
Carrot cake pancakes make eating your vegetables fun and exciting! Traditional buttermilk pancakes are elevated with bold spices, raisins, pecans, and...
Here's an easy Thanksgiving turkey stuffing recipe made with French bread cubes toasted in butter and tons of tasty add-ins, plus savory turkey giblets....
Love homemade pizza dough but hate the work to make it? This no-knead pizza dough recipe is simple and nearly hands free. Plus, you can make it ahead so...
A simplified version of the classic French beef stew that contains all of the flavors, but none of the fuss, of Boeuf Bourguignon. Slow cooker beef stew...
Falafel made in the air fryer is crunchy on the outside and soft in the middle. Stuff them in a pita packed with veggies and tahini sauce for an easy,...
Ever made tomato jam?! With farmers' markets and gardens overflowing with ripe tomatoes, now's the time! This chunky, jammy spread is a great addition...
Almond Shortbread Cookies! For the holidays or "just because." Made with a mix of almond flour and regular flour, and topped with sliced almonds for even...
This Instant Pot chicken tortilla soup is loaded with shredded chicken, tomatoes, corn, and beans. Cook it fast in the pressure cooker! Serve with avocado,...
Put your slow cooker to work during the holidays and make these Honey-Dijon Glazed Carrots! This is a blissfully hands-off side dish when you're busy...
Made with chunks of pumpkin, ground pork, black beans, a bottle of beer, and plenty of spices, this hearty pumpkin chili recipe is ready in under an hour....
In addition to looking darn adorable, these Instant Pot egg bites are super delicious and fast to make in the Instant Pot. Just like Starbucks egg bites,...
Cincinnati Chili is a meaty, rich, and uniquely spiced chili from (you guessed it!) Cincinnati, Ohio. Serve our authentic Cincinnati chili recipe over...
S'mores Ice Cream celebrates summer in all the best ways. Slightly charred, ooey-gooey, melted marshmallows swirled into a rich vanilla ice cream with...
This classic Italian Chicken Milanese is surprisingly EASY and FAST to make at home. Serve it with a side salad for an easy weeknight meal. Also works...
This rich, tender chocolate cake is easy enough to make for a casual dessert but can be a showstopper for any special event. It comes together with just...
These Peanut Butter Pretzel Magic Bars are a MUST for your next party! Think: Super Bowl, office party, or birthday. They have a pretzel crust with layers...
Want the most perfectly moist, flavorful, and juicy Thanksgiving turkey? Try dry-brining! All you do is rub the turkey with salt and let it hang out in...
Think of these zucchini roll-ups like lasagna, but without the pasta! Precooking the zucchini softens it enough to roll it up with some cheese and herbs....
Vegetarian bolognese is a rich, luscious won't-miss-the-meat pasta sauce. Roasting cauliflower and mushrooms deepens the flavor of this satisfying dinner....
The Southern favorite, biscuits and gravy, gets the casserole treatment! Assemble the gravy ahead of time; make this for a hungry brunching crowd, and...
Here's an Old Fashioned cocktail that's ready for fall! Maple syrup plus infused bourbon brings warming fall spices-cloves, star anise, and cinnamon-to...