Chicken Fried Chicken with Country Gravy is a true family favorite! Crisp fried chicken smothered in a spicy, creamy gravy. Dinner never looked or tasted...
Made with just 8 ingredients (plus salt and pepper), this Roasted Salmon recipe is perfect for weeknight dinner. Just spread the garlic butter over each...
Slow cooker BBQ chicken slow cooks to perfection in the best sweet and tangy homemade BBQ sauce. The chicken is so tender and just melts in your mouth...
This Pan-Seared Steak with Garlic Butter is incredibly juicy, tender, and delicious. You can quickly cook this steak on your stovetop and it's great...
Gorditas Recipe: These delicious little thick corn tortillas stuffed with savory fillings are easy to make at home. See this step-by- tutorial. They're...
This homemade pastrami recipe is complex and smoky, but not in the way that other smoked meats are smoky. The smoke in this beef pastrami is not overt....
Slow cooker cheeseburger soup, originally from Taste of Home, is a rich and creamy, cheesy soup made with ground beef, potatoes, onions, and carrots in...
Slow cooker honey garlic chicken legs are a perfect dish to serve up on a busy weeknight. Minimal prep work required and the honey garlic sauce is finger-licking...
This recipe for chicken florentine is golden brown chicken breasts, topped with a creamy sauce and served over a bed of spinach. A classic dinner that...
If you're on the hunt for quick, easy and delicious dinner recipes for your family, this tater tot casserole never disappoints! Even my picky eaters...
These breaded pork chops are tender and juicy with the perfect crunchy breading. The Creamy Dill Sauce is rich and full of flavor...comfort food at its...
Fresh lemon, herbs, and garlic come together in this fast and flavorful marinade. Complemented with fresh and bright summer veggies in this amazing meal...
These wine Braised Boneless Short Ribs are easy and delicious. Cooked low and slow, with onions, celery, carrots, and mushrooms, it's the perfect winter...
A tasty chicken dinner packed with nutritious veggies and coated in a tasty stir-fry sauce. Ready in nearly 30 minutes and a great way to pack lots of...
Hearty stuffed shells made with three cheeses, spinach, herbs, and marinara. Pure comfort food that's sure to satisfy! It's a dinner everyone can agree...
These pan-fried Boneless Pork Chops are a juicy and flavorful meal that'll be on your table in just 15 minutes, with no marinating or breading required....
Creamy Hot Turkey Sandwiches are pure delicious comfort food. Our Open Faced Turkey Sandwich quickly transforms leftover turkey into a meal everyone will...
This Flatbread Mexican Pizza has a thin crust and is topped with refried beans, flavorful taco meat, cheese, tomatoes, onions, cilantro, avocado and creamy...
Crockpot Thai Chicken is a really easy and delicious weeknight dinner, encompassing flavors that we all know and love about Thai food. These chicken thighs...
This is the best vegan mushroom stroganoff recipe that is easy to make, and ready in just 20 minutes! It's healthy, creamy, so delicious and can easily...
We are big Hawaiian Haystacks fans. They are so easy to make and taste absolutely amazing. The toppings with the chicken and rice, all come together and...
This is an easy Tejano version of the classic Carne Guisada (Stewed Beef), a recipe that has been passed down for several generations. Made on the stove...
Taco Rice-A-Roni Casserole - the ULTIMATE Mexican casserole! Everyone cleaned their plate and went back for seconds!! Spanish Rice-A-Roni, diced tomatoes,...
I love the combination of maple syrup, lime, soy sauce and garlic in this super easy maple glazed salmon recipe. Simple, pretty and delish. There are two...