Long a star on Camille Orrichio Loccisano's traditional Italian-American Feast of the Seven Fishes table, these stuffed squid were also a hit at her restaurant,...
Old Fashioned Ham Balls are straight from Grandma. These meatballs are a combination of ground pork, beef and ham with a surprise sweetness coming from...
Lemon Garlic Parmesan Shrimp Pasta is made in just one pot and ready in 30 minutes! Fresh shrimp gets cooked in a buttery lemon garlic sauce and gets tossed...
Fork-tender Mexican Shredded Beef is easy to make and flavor-packed! In this slow cooker recipe, succulent, juicy shreds of beef are braised in a savory,...
Chicken and Bell Peppers Skillet is one of those dishes that will go to your family dinner rotation because it happens to please everyone. It's seasoned...
We are a pasta loving family and this Sun-Dried Tomato Fettuccine is up there with the BEST of them, which says a lot, coming from pasta critics. You have...
Cheesy Ham and Noodle Casserole ~ Quick, Easy Ham Casserole to Keep Your Weeknight Dinner Simple! Perfect Recipe for Using Up Leftover Ham! This Casserole...
Broccoli and Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breast is filled with a delicious broccoli cheese mixture, seared in a skillet and then baked to perfection. Super...
Quick & delicious black bean vegetarian fajitas! They're made with sweet roasted peppers & onions, garlicky black beans, and creamy guacamole. A flavorful,...
This super easy Slow Cooker Cheesy Tortellini takes just a few minutes to throw together. With crushed tomatoes, slow cooked chicken, tortellini and mozzarella...
"Singapore noodles" is the name given to the fried rice vermicelli cooked by the Singaporean. This recipe follows closely how the local hawkers prepared...
Arroz con Pollo is a traditional Cuban dish made with chicken and yellow rice. Like many Cuban dishes, it's not fancy but it is hearty, soul-satisfying...
This easy, healthy one-pan Mediterranean Shrimp features shrimp baked in tomato garlic sauce with artichokes and feta. Serve over rice, pasta or on its...
Making juicy, tender pork has never been easier! Grilled Pork Tenderloin turns out perfectly every time all thanks to a simple marinade made with olive...
The British chef and cooking star Jamie Oliver once called this recipe, which is based on a classic Italian one for pork in milk, "a slightly odd but really...
This is my go-to pulled pork recipe! It's super easy to make, amazingly tender, and deliciously flavorful. Put it in the slow cooker in the morning and...
Classic Sunday Pot Roast is an easy to make comfort food that is hearty, filling, and can easily feed the whole family. This recipe will work for a classic...
The most popular item on the Maid-Rite menu, these Loose Meat Sandwiches taste as good as the Iowa-famous diner classic. This easy ground beef recipe cooks...
If you're looking for a colorful dish to brighten your holiday table, try this simple and elegant Vegetable Tian. Reader Deborah Lee Liberatore, of Fernandina...
This cozy vegetarian pot pie has a creamy, healthy filling made with white beans, carrots, peas, and mushrooms. Easy, protein-packed, and good for you...