This Spinach Rice Pilaf is a great side to any chicken, meat or poultry. I was searching for this recipe after having this dish at a Greek resturant, and...
From the French Chef Cookbook this delicious recipe is rice braised in a chicken stock. In my own variation I toss it with butter toasted pine nuts just...
I really enjoy this rice. I have always heard to not stir the rice, but this method comes out perfect with the grains of rice separated. Make sure you...
Taste the rice as it nears the end of its cooking time; it should be cooked through and toothsome, but not crunchy. Be careful not to overcook the rice...
This is a recipe that I've modified a little, from the WeiChaun cookbook: Thai Cooking Made Easy. The secret, is using left over rice, that you cooked...
I learned to make this rice from my husband's Grandma Vicky. Vicky was born and raised in Mexico and keeps her dishes simple. This is one of my favorite...
This is a famous Arab-style dish which is frequently made for parties. It is very filling. Numerous regional variations exist, often adding different vegetables...
This is a recipe that I found in Steven Raichlen's "The Barbecue Bible" for Brazil. You can also make this in a vegetarian form by leaving out the bacon...
This simple, yet tasty rice dish is from a book I got in a sale a long time ago. I liked this dish as it used things I had to hand and had a similar taste...
Wonderful, aromatic and flavourful! The best Muhammar I have made and I have tried a number! Very important to use a cast iron pan or heavy pan and lots...
This is a creamy, cheesy risotto with a hint of garlic. I call it lazy because it takes much less time than an authentic risotto. It may be lazy, but it...
This recipe uses fat free chicken broth, a minimum of oil,and don't add salt-and you'll create a dish thats favorful and healthy. The recipe comes from...
I concocted this recipe for my friend who loves the rice pilaf served as a side dish at Sizzler steakhouses. You can tweak the seasonings to your preference...
This is from the Friends of the Friona Library Cookbook. This is delicious! I've made it with the chicken in the salad as a lunch dish, or leaving the...
I love those boxed rice pilaf, but the price is killer. Why buy when making this at home is so much easier and so inexpensive? This recipe will use only...
I wanted to create an easy spanish rice with ingredients I had on hand and this does not dissapoint. The Sazon is optional but very tasty...I've used both...
This is an unusual side dish, but oh so delicious. I received this recipe from my mother-in-law, who makes it for birthday or other special occasion requests....
This recipe is so fragrant and creamy, nobody can guess that it uses chicken stock to reduce fat/calories without reducing flavor. It is mild enough to...
This Thai-poached salmon recipe shows you how to quickly transform a piece of salmon into a lovely, fragrant meal. Using Thai curry paste and coconut milk,...
A popular recipe among my family, I make it a lot. It's become my favorite side dish to serve with Sue L's recipe #36634. But this rice is delicious with...
The original recipe called for chopped pistachio nuts, but when my mom was teaching me to cook, she only had cashews. I was never a cashew fan until I...
A wonderful African inspired yellow rice dish that my Mum always makes. I have adapted her recipe slightly - and this cooks very well in a rice cooker...
Foolproof and easy to prepare. Dish can be made ahead and reheated before serving. You can freeze the leftovers; it works! Feel free to add other herbs...
My DBIL works in the rice industry here in our area where they had a contest for winning recipes, the company then sent home some of the best recipes with...
Tasty fruity savoury rice salad. Ideal accompaniment for barbecued, grilled or baked meats & fish. My mum used to make this salad back home in Cape Town,...