A smooth, creamy leek and potato soup that's ready in 15 minutes and full of flavour. Make it into a meal with plenty of bread and butter. Each serving...
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall shows you how to make Welsh rarebit - it's like cheese on toast but fancied up to make something really special. Simple and...
A filling and hearty lentil and tomato soup that is packed with fibre and provides two of your five-a-day. Why not make double and freeze for future vegan...
Quick, easy and mouthwateringly good. This carrot and ginger soup is perfect for chilly afternoons. Why not make a few more portions and keep in the freezer...
This delicious parsnip and apple soup perfectly combines tangy cooking apples and the sweetness from parsnips. A wonderfully smooth soup. Each serving...
James Martin's simple red pepper and tomato soup has a lovely rich flavour from roasting the peppers, shallots and tomatoes. The soup can be served hot...
This quick chicken and sweetcorn soup is a perfect way to use up scraps of chicken leftover from a roast. Use fresh stock instead of stock cubes if you...
Mulligatawny is a richly flavoured soup, spiced with curry powder and thickened with rice. Perfect for a cold day, serve with a dollop of tangy sour cream....
Tortilla, or Spanish omelette, can be served as a main course or, because it is good served cold, it makes excellent picnic food. In Spain they serve it...
This delicious spicy seafood salad combines the four elements of Thai cooking: salt, sweet, bitter and sour. Each serving provides 217kcal, 17g protein,...
A club sandwich is a thing of beauty. You can fancy it up with extra fillings like avocado, mustard, thinly sliced red onion, but you can also keep it...
An easy, good-for-you soup that will warm you up on a cold day. Serve with freshly baked bread for a filling supper or lunch. This meal provides 87 kcal,...
This simple, but delicious, carrot and parsnip soup balances sweet and savoury to great effect! Use the freshest ingredients you can find for best results....
This is a really fantastic recipe for a kind of filled bread, a bit like a rolled-up pizza! It can also be made with ready-made pizza or bread dough and...
A gorgeous chicken salad that can be served warm or cold, perfect for a quick healthy supper. As part of an Intermittent diet plan, 1 serving provides...
Using celeriac with traditional potato gives this healthy leek soup a velvety, creamy texture and a delicious flavour. Equipment and preparation: For this...
This fiery dish of prawns, tomatoes and garlic is perfect to warm you up on a cold winter night. If you want to turn down the heat use less chilli or none...
This easy butternut squash soup recipe is completely dairy-free! It has added red pepper and ginger, and is deliciously smooth. Roasting the squash, rather...
You can use any hard, starchy root vegetables you like for this simple root vegetable soup. Carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes, squash and celeriac all...
Quesadillas are just flattened, fried wraps. It is without question the best option when you need dinner in an instant. This quesadilla recipe uses black...
Made from a few simple ingredients, this vegan cauliflower dish wouldn't look out of place in a smart restaurant. Serve as a starter, or with a salad for...
I was first introduced to tarte flambée with the explanation that it's France's answer to pizza. In fact, it's not much like pizza at all, apart from...
Baked beans on toast is a British staple, but you can very easily make it something special with a side of fresh soda bread. Don't be put off by the long...
A classic combo - fried potatoes, onion, corned beef and a slick of English mustard. This makes a wonderful brunch, but is also a useful dinner dish to...
Celeriac is a great winter vegetable and it's put to wonderful use in James Martin's creamy soup. Serve with crispy pancetta and croûtons for a touch...
This simple courgette gratin makes a great side dish as it's creamy and flavoursome without being too rich. Serve with a salad for a light supper. Each...
Traditional in South America, Spain and Portugal, empanadas are little pastry pockets with an intensely flavoured savoury filling. They are great eaten...
Bursting with bold flavours and bright colours, this carrot and lentil soup is packed full of protein to keep you full for longer, as well as iron, fibre,...