This Caribbean lamb stew is a rich, hearty, spicy one pot meal that you'll want to smother all over a bowl of hot rice. The active prep time for this recipe...
Author: Sarah
A cross between a lamb shepherd's pie and potatoes au gratin. Experiment with your favorite cheeses.
Author: moms diner
Mediterranean-spiced grilled lamb is placed in a pita sandwich with a yogurt sauce, feta, tomato, and lettuce.
Author: CupcakeSparkles11
The pomegranate and Dijon marinade in this dish serves double duty. Not only does it flavor the leg of lamb inside out, but it's then cooked down into...
Author: sanazy
You don't often see lamb cooked with these spices, but they really work together wonderfully. The final plate ended up being a sort of North African/Central...
Author: Chef John
Author: Roberto Santibañez
Xinjiang Lamb Rice or Xīnjiāng shou zhuā fàn in Mandarin (新疆手抓饭) is a signature dish in Xinjiang home-cooking. This lamb rice is very special...
Author: Judy
A deliciously sweet and fruity curry inspired by Cape Malay cuisine
I learned this one from my little Irish Grandmother, so good! Serve this with spinach for a yummy complete meal! While this calls for leek, you can substitute...
Author: chi_phx_singer
Author: James Beard
This dish is a delicacy in Hyderabad, India and it really tastes divine, especially in the winter months. Hope you enjoy it! When serving, garnish with...
Author: noorchand
Make your own gyros meat to serve on pita bread or over basmati rice with lettuce, onions, tomatoes, tzatziki sauce, and feta.
Author: Lan Sutton