Forget the big salad bowl! Wow your table by serving this taco salad in restaurant-style tortilla bowls. Serve it as a starter or as a main dish--it's...
Spice up your next party with our Cheese 'N Rice Quesadillas appetizer recipe that combines green chiles and Mexican rice to create cheesy out-of-this-world...
Transform a chicken and rice casserole into a one-skillet meal with the addition of fire-grilled vegetables and beans seasoned to bring out the flavors...
Fajitas are easily my family's favorite! The Knorr® Mango Fajita Skillet takes it up a few notches with the surprise burst of sweet mango and the amazing...
Fajitas are easily my family's favorite! The Knorr® Mango Fajita Skillet takes it up a few notches with the surprise burst of sweet mango and the amazing...
We always love digging into a pan of enchiladas but have not always had time to make them. So we took all the things we love about enchiladas to make a...
I think you're going to love this tasty, lighter version of a restaurant classic! We'll definitely be adding these to our meal rotation--once you try them...
Forget the big salad bowl! Wow your table by serving this taco salad in restaurant-style tortilla bowls. Serve it as a starter or as a main dish--it's...
Spice up your next party with our Cheese 'N Rice Quesadillas appetizer recipe that combines green chiles and Mexican rice to create cheesy out-of-this-world...
I think you're going to love this tasty, lighter version of a restaurant classic! We'll definitely be adding these to our meal rotation--once you try them...
I think you're going to love this tasty, lighter version of a restaurant classic! We'll definitely be adding these to our meal rotation--once you try them...
A one-skillet, family-friendly meal that is ready in 30 minutes. Make use of leftover, pre-cooked chicken for this fast, affordable meal. Serve in a bowl,...
Colorful bell peppers are stuffed with a combination of chorizo sausage, corn kernels, browned ground beef, Spanish rice, and cheese for a delicious weeknight...
Forget the big salad bowl! Wow your table by serving this taco salad in restaurant-style tortilla bowls. Serve it as a starter or as a main dish--it's...
Whip up an Italian classic in just 30 minutes with our Quick Risotto-Style Rice Chicken recipe. Dig into a creamy mix of chicken, peas and mushrooms topped...
Whip up an Italian classic in just 30 minutes with our Quick Risotto-Style Rice Chicken recipe. Dig into a creamy mix of chicken, peas and mushrooms topped...
Whip up an Italian classic in just 30 minutes with our Quick Risotto-Style Rice Chicken recipe. Dig into a creamy mix of chicken, peas and mushrooms topped...