Limited surface area. This is the problem with a broccoli gratin made in a casserole-style baking dish, meaning the ratio of crispy-cheesy-crumb-y topping...
This simple braise is a weeknight savior. Make a big batch and stash it in the fridge or freezer to turn into stews, tacos, hashes, sandwiches, soups,...
This rather unusual loaf has a very pleasant flavor, a little on the sweet side, and a distinctive texture. The built-in moisture provided by the zucchini...
These potatoes steam away in the coals while you grill the rest of your meal. If you're not eating them right away, keep them in their foil pouches and...
Inspired by Mexican pacholas, these extra-thin beef and pork patties are spiced with cilantro, chili powder, and garlic. Topped off with a simple raw corn...
Spatchcocking (or splitting and flattening) this Italian-influenced chicken before grilling helps it cook more quickly and evenly, creating the ultimate...
Even in its simplicity, there's something about this buttery almond cake that just feels special. Baking it in a pie dish allows for you to serve it straight...
Cookie dough lovers, eat your hearts out! Toasting the flour in this egg-free version zaps any bacteria, making the raw dough safe for kids-and grown-ups-to...
The secret to these ribs is the stunning glaze-these have great depth of flavor with a beautiful hit of sweetness and spice. Marinate them overnight for...
"As a student at Bloomsburg University, I spent many Sunday afternoons at Russell's restaurant in downtown Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania," writes Marganne Hoffman...
This is a great scone recipe, and it works even without the butterscotch chips. One cup of dried berries, chocolate chips, shredded coconut, or dried cherries...
These childhood favorites get their tangy flavor from an old-school leavener: cream of tartar. We've kept the recipe super traditional by using an all-butter...
We combined the rich and indulgent cheesiness of Pommes Aligot and the beautifully swirled rosettes of Pommes Duchesse into one super-luxe casserole that...