Found this recipe in "The Metro St. Louis Guide to Smart Parenting" as a kid-friendly healthy recipe. Very simple and very tasty! The sauce rEALLY makes...
From my "Heart Healthy Cookbook" of delicious healthy recipes from Edina, MN in 1995. Make 9, 10 ounce cans of soup. This is much less expensive and contains...
I wanted to make a small amount mac & cheese but only had Light buttermilk, not regular milk. Then I figured it would work just as well and better yet...
I love salmon! Can't wait to try this! (I just found this recipe among a million others that I had cut out of magazines a long time ago!) It says that...
Gramma's recipe is basic, simple and very easy to whip up. She'd have a large fresh bag of her nuts and bolts for every family member at Christmas. Be...
This recipe originally comes from King Arthur Flour, which is where I buy my cheddar cheese powder. You can buy cheese powder from many sites on the web,...
A quick and easy meal best prepared as required.Cooking time given does not include the cooking of the pasta.You could add more cream or sub it with stock...
Compliments of Taste of Home. You need about 1 inch foil or paper cupcake cups ( these little suckers are SMALL compared to the regular sized cups). Can...
Here's a delicious twist on good old tuna casserole. The tomatoes freshen up this favorite and lighten it while the cheese adds its own goodness. It's...
I make these a lot for parties and everyone always makes comments on how I make the best deviled eggs. The kids even love to eat them. This is from a 1982...
Two cans of tuna and cream cheese and bread cubes and you have the start of a wonderful main dish. You can serve this with cream sauce or plain with any...
Such fun! Make your own volcano at home, the kids just love the eruption. My boys can never get enough. This isn't food, more of a science experiment &...
Dried salt codfish a traditional ingredient not only in Northern European cuisine, but also in Mediterranean, West African, Caribbean, and Brazilian cuisines....
You can use cooked diced ham in place of the chicken, please don't omit the grapes, they really make this salad, but add them in just before serving so...
I know you are all super busy so I have a quick and easy dinner for you! This Sheet Pan Chicken and Brussel Sprouts is a no-brainer winner of a chicken...
This was on a hand written recipe card inside a cookbook that I bought at the library booksale! I hope it's good since I haven't tried it yet. Plan ahead...
Even the most picky eaters enjoy this simple dish. I have stretched the recipe to include as much as 2 cups of rice when feeding a larger crowd; I've also...
I made this a lot before my father went on the Atkins diet and couldn't eat the noodles, and it was one of his favorites (which says a lot). It is very...
One of Paula Deen's most popular recipes. Not Yo Mama's Banana pudding recipe calls for bananas, french vanilla instant pudding, sweetened condensed milk,...
The title says it all. This is the most crowd pleasing, demanded recipe I have ever made. I know there are thousands of artichoke dip recipes, but this...
I found this on Pinterest, followed to a cute blog called Creating Through Life. I made it and it is simple, fairly quick and that is what I like. I love...
Cheese grits are a Southern tradition. Paula shares an easy cheesy grits recipe that's perfect for any meal. Cheddar, and milk make this a creamy treat...
Taken from "The Joy of Israel" cookbook by Ricky Friesem and Gerry Hornreich. This is a kugel made in heaven, one of the best I have tried yet and I have...
I got this recipe from the website & tweaked it a little. It's the best one I've tried, and I didn't find one exactly like it here. I used sugar-free...
I love using different crusts on fish and chicken. This is excellent with a white fillet such as catfish, tilapia or halibut. The mayonnaise aioli has...
This salad has a great combination of tortellini, tomatoes, onions, olives and cucumber with a tangy caesar dressing. We sometimes eat is as a main dish...