Bring a taste of Japan to your kitchen tonight with this Omurice recipe. This Japanese stir-fried rice with eggs features bacon, peppers, onions, soy sauce...
Baked Sea Bass recipe - Pick up some fresh sea bass fillets at the store, marinate them with some sake, mirin, soy sauce for 30 minutes, and then pan sear...
Fried Oysters with Panko (Kaki Furai/Kaki Fry) recipe - Everyone loves panko, or Japanese bread crumb, that gives fried foods an airy, light, and super...
Salmon Teriyaki is an easy Japanese recipe and takes only 4 key ingredients. Serve the salmon with steamed rice and teriyaki sauce for a delicious salmon...
This is a light and moist cake that is not too sweet and has a refreshing green tea fragrance. The frosting uses cream cheese but has enough sweetness...
The best Branzino recipe uses fresh Branziso fish filet and Japanese seasonings, pan grilled and smoked. It's fine dining and Michelin-star restaurant...
Although somewhat similar to silken (soft) tofu since no weight is placed on tofu to extract liquid, this type of tofu is not quite silken in texture....
Miso-Marinated Sea Bass recipe - I love Chilean sea bass-the flesh is always so moist, tender, silky, and sweet. I also love the texture and the mouth...
Soba noodles are available in Japanese food stores, whole food stores, and some supermarkets. You can add any vegetables to this dish that you enjoy or...
Tonkotsu ramen is a noodle dish where the broth is made from pork bones. The broth is the heart and soul of the dish. Traditionally, the broth takes hours,...
Very easy to make and my guests enjoy it a lot! It can be served as an appetizer, or over a bed of rice as a quick weekday dinner! I usually marinate the...
Sukiyaki for those that don't like tofu or seaweed. Great for a quick, nutritious supper with lots of natural flavors! Add some diced tomato for added...
This recipe involves marinating salmon in miso paste, a traditional technique of Japanese cuisine. I love accenting the salmon with this spinach sauce...
This is a traditional Okinawan dish with Asian bitter melon. I was introduced to it during my time there. I've combined a few different recipes into this...
These traditional Japanese hamburgers are eaten without a bun. Shiitake mushrooms and tofu make them moist without falling apart, and a mirin glaze adds...
Mizu shingen mochi is a Japanese water cake that is known for its delicate sweetness an evaporative texture. It takes a little practice but is well worth...
These baked manju are filled with koshi an, a smooth paste made of red (azuki) beans and sugar. This recipe uses canned koshi an from the Asian grocery,...
Soba noodles are available in Japanese food stores, whole food stores, and some supermarkets. You can add any vegetables to this dish that you enjoy or...
Soba noodles are available in Japanese food stores, whole food stores, and some supermarkets. You can add any vegetables to this dish that you enjoy or...
Green tea-flavored petits fours with a green tea whipped cream and decorated with green tea marzipan. This recipe could also be adapted to make a layer...
Soba noodles are available in Japanese food stores, whole food stores, and some supermarkets. You can add any vegetables to this dish that you enjoy or...