You've heard it many times, but it bears repeating. Nothing tastes more like home than a good Roast Stuffed Chicken. This Roast Stuffed Chicken recipe...
Serve our creamy and colorful STOVE TOP Easy Chicken Casserole as a entrée! This easy chicken casserole is ready to enjoy in 40 minutes and is a favorite...
Impress guests with this Moist Sour Cream Coffee Cake recipe. This Moist Sour Cream Coffee Cake made with cinnamon, chopped pecans, sour cream and brown...
Italian restaurants ain't got nothin' on your kitchen. Rich, homemade stuffed manicotti is easier than it looks. Our video walks you through the manicotti...
Enjoy the simple things in life, like this Chocolate Pudding Pie Recipe. Spoon chocolate JELL-O Pudding over an chocolate pie crust in this Chocolate Pudding...
Upgrade your next peanut butter and jelly sandwich when you make it with this CERTO Grape Jelly. Try making your PB & Js with delicious homemade CERTO...
Mix your fruits and veggies with our tangy Chicken Salad with Apples! Walnuts, celery and apples pack a powerful crunch in this dish. Serve it as a side...
Add some brightness to your menu with Peach-Glazed Pork Chops. This terrific baked peach-glazed pork chop dish will put you in mind of summer no matter...
Find out how to make our VELVEETA® Cheesy Chicken Rotini with a short video. Our delicious 30-minute entrée is perfect for busy weeknight dinners and...
Find a way to use up the apples in the fridge with this delicious Apple Jelly Recipe. This Apple Jelly Recipe gets its great flavor from fresh apples,...
Delight your taste buds with this amazing Fantasy Fudge. This Fantasy Fudge is a classic marshmallow fudge that gets its chocolatey, nutty goodness from...
Watch this video to learn the magic behind JELL-O® Magic Mousse. With 10 servings, this recipe is great for a get-together. Add a little extra to this...
Layer shortbread cookies with deliciousness to create these Chocolate-Caramel Cookie Bars! Our Chocolate-Caramel Cookie Bars are like a favorite candy...
Bake pork chops on a layer of sweet and sour cranberry sauce for Pork Chops with Cranberry Sauce & Stuffing! Cranberry sauce isn't only good with turkey,...
Give the gift of delicious with this VELVEETA® Cheese Soup Recipe. This soup is easy and quick to whip up on a weeknight with a few basic ingredients....