Bourbon Balls function as the ultimate easy dessert for Southern cocktail parties, and they put a sweet, slightly boozy finish on any get-together. Think...
Lamb burgers are a great way to switch up burger night at home. Change is good, y'all! Lamb has more of an earthy, gamey flavor than beef, and it's completely...
Here is the chicken version of satay, where the peanuts are mixed with candlenuts. The dipping sauce is also used as a marinade to give the meat a more...
I've definitely enjoyed some pretty great plant-based lasagnas at restaurants where the chef swaps in vegetables for the noodles. But when I make lasagna...
My mom's meat loaf is inarguably better than yours, but this is not my mom's meat loaf recipe. This one is an amalgam, intended to evoke all the important...
Make a big batch of these bright orange waffles when you want to slow down and make a nice, hot breakfast-then freeze the leftovers to pop in the toaster...
Meet your new favorite pasta dish. It's spaghetti, in the shape of a pie, with crispy edges and a chewy interior. This dish is as fun as it is tasty-your...
I learned the joys of putting potatoes in bread during my time in the Napa Valley, so the flavors here are resonant of that magical place, but don't be...
This simple weeknight dish relies on zucchini ribbons instead of noodles and a zippy ricotta-pea filling for a gluten-free take on the traditional baked...
Risotto is an Italian term describing a unique way to cook rice. Basically, the rice is cooked in broth or another liquid until it and the liquid swell...
These honey-garlic noodles are perfect as is, or as a side dish served with chicken, steak, or a fried egg or tossed with your favorite stir-fried veggies....
I made this glorious hamburger soup one Sunday in winter for three very important reasons: One, it was so ding dang cold outside, all I could think about...
This ticks all the boxes for a healthy dessert. The mixture of oats, almonds, berries, dates, and cinnamon creates the perfect sustained energy-releasing...
This is the dish that first got me into cooking. Talking about it got me my first job in a kitchen, and together with the help of friends, local restaurants,...
This is an almost perfect dish for the home cook because it's economical, healthy, and scrumptious! You can whip it up anytime you have leftover cooked...
This dish is so tasty and satisfying that you'll be happy to eat it for days, and so healthful and nutritious that you should eat it for days. And it is...
When the holiday excesses are over and the lights are low, the time comes for quiet, simple dinners. This light, lively pasta is a welcome relief from...
This is how we make chicken bone broth at home. If you'd like, you can switch out the herbs and vegetables for others you prefer. For example, you could...
There's no better way to use up everything in your fridge than a frittata. I love this version because it celebrates two of my favorite summertime treats:...
There is no better use for leftover rice than chahan. A brief trip in a pan resurrects the grains and a few pantry ingredients-little more than eggs, oil,...
These little almond-pistachio cakes remind me of a more sophisticated cupcake. Full of flavor with a dense, chewy crumb, it's like frangipane meets fairy...
This soup uses refried beans as a thickener, so the resulting soup is very thick and rich without having to cook all day. Since I almost always have some...