By mixing butter, shallots, fresh herbs, and lemon juice together right in the serving bowl, you get an instant dressing on contact with hot haricots verts...
This old Gourmet recipe has reviews from 126 users, almost all of whom love it. So take it from them: even if it's your "first time cooking lamb," you'll...
The signature dish at Bouchée is similar to boeuf bourguignon except it uses short ribs, which create a more elegant presentation for individual servings....
Until recently, we had always thought of duck à l'orange as a tired cliché of the 1960s, so it was a surprise to find out how delightful this old recipe...
An easy Lettuce Soup recipe. This soup is a great way to use lettuce's outer leaves and ribs, which usually go to waste. Any kind of potato and any salad...
Where this recipe calls for lemon zest and rosemary, the native Coast Salish Indians on Vancouver Island would use grand-fir needles. Either way, the salmon...
A dash of red pepper flakes adds nuance to this condiment of sweet red peppers cooked with vinegar, sugar, and pectin. Serve it on a cheese board or stir...
As with hot chocolate, use any milky liquid you prefer, whether it's from a cow, nuts (almond milk), beans (soy milk), or grains (rice milk). For sweeteners,...
The Portuguese soup caldo verde is ideal cool weather comfort food. It is full of good-for-you greens and potatoes, while sausage keeps things porky and...
Berbere is a chile and spice blend used to season many Ethiopian dishes. Because authentic berbere can be hard to find, we developed our own recipe. Active...
Among the many stories regarding the origins of this dish, the one we deemed "most likely, and most likely to succeed" came to us in 1944. E. Clarke King...