This seared salmon served with melted butter and scallions BEST way to eat salmon in the world, and only THREE INGREDIENTS! It takes ten minutes and it's...
I first tried this simple, elegant dish several years ago, after spotting it in an old (1960's) cooking magazine. This mild treatment of fish is a tasty...
Tuna, macaroni, creamy soup, cheese and fried onions are all you need to make this super easy tuna casserole that I learned from my roommate. It's great...
This Buffalo-chicken style fish is gluten-free and delicious. It is also good with shrimp. It is great served with the quinoa and black beans recipe by...
Gefilte Fish is generally made with a "white" fish, and you can use different ones in this recipe. It's totally up to you which ones you use here. I really...
These super easy fish burgers are a great, wholesome meal. Assemble buns with whatever you please. I prefer to eat the tilapia with lettuce only but my...
This is one of my son's favorite dishes. He loves grilled salmon and the fusion of flavors in this recipe are spot on ! Enjoy ***Use whatever veggies you...
For a simple, just-the-right-amount-of-salty appetizer, doctor up a tin of anchovies. The acid, heat, and olive oil mellow the anchovies' flavor, and serving...
This recipe uses seven of 10 EatSmart tactics: fatty fish, good carbs, vegetables, fiber, nuts, smaller portions and no trans fats. These simple tactics...
Finally, perfect fish! Crunchy and golden brown. This method will work on any white fish, including salmon. I took my oven fries recipe, added some more...