A delicious light meal for a hot summer day. Tilapia is a mild fish so the Cajun seasoning and lemon pepper are perfect to jazz up the flavor. We love...
My husband is a fisherman and hunter so we always have some kind of something he has brought home. I've been making stuffed trout for many years and it...
Southern fried catfish. This is a tribute to a great Southern fried catfish. You won't be able to resist this recipe! This recipe is from Drick's Rambling...
For those who love salmon, here's a new way to switch it up a bit. Simple and easy, yet simply satisfying! You will want more and more. It's rich, has...
Explosion of flavor. Great sides for this dish would include small red potatoes baked with garlic and onions in a mixture of olive oil and butter or grilled...
Making salmon gravlax at home is a fun weekend project, and with very little effort, you can produce some gorgeous results that will amaze even your hardest-to-impress...
Spicy white fish wrapped in cabbage with a tasty wasabi-mayonnaise sauce. A delicious and easy way to enjoy fish tacos on a low-carb diet! You can also...
I discovered Steelhead trout a while back.. I like it better than salmon. This is one way I fix it. And I serve it with Curried Mayo.. recipe linked to...