Flavorful recipe for this farm raised fish that is easy and done in minutes! The fish is broiled with a creamy cheese coating for an impressive flavor...
You can cook this classic Canadian shore lunch indoors all year round when you don't have the time or the luxury of getting out on the lake! Serve with...
I consider this the king of comfort food casseroles. What I love about this recipe, other than that it is simple and easy, is that it doesn't require the...
These seafood kabobs are great on the grill, but taste just as good broiled, which makes this a year-round meal! Serve with rice pilaf or grilled sweet...
This was my mother's finest fish meal growing up. Even people we know who aren't fish fanatics love this dish. It can be served with rice but we love it...
Easy and delicious way to impress your family and guests with a recipe that's almost too simple! The fillets are covered with cooked shrimp and a simple...
Who needs crab and a deep fryer to enjoy these tasty delights? Tuna works great and a light pan searing does the job of cooking up this tasty treat without...
This recipe is so simple, it doesn't even have a name. I just call it Trout. This is such an easy weeknight seafood dinner. It's a really nice way to cook...
This is my version of a tuna pasta dish with capers, anchovies, and tomatoes. I make it at least once a week as it is my husband's favorite and he proclaims...
A simple white wine marinade makes this grilled swordfish special. Rosemary is used in both the marinade and a lemon and olive oil sauce that is drizzled...
A favorite with our family, this French-Canadian dish has been passed down from many generations. It's a simple dish that can be served with a bechamel...
It's hard to tell which is better in this, the tuna or the sauce! The sauce is even better if done the previous day, but who knows when you're going to...
Tilapia is a mild, white fish that is flaky and yummy. You can take this recipe for grilling it in foil packets and alter it to your own liking. The tilapia...
Adding asparagus and frozen peas directly to the boiling pasta during the last couple minutes of cooking means everything for this seasonal, fresh dinner...
I have never made better cod at home than with this recipe. It's quick, delicious, and loaded with flavor. Instead of Pecorino you can use Parmesan, though...
A quick and yummy way to prepare crispy tilapia the whole family will love, without frying. I get asked to make this several times a week by everyone in...