This is a comforting yet elegant pasta that can be served as a main meal or a side dish. Plus, the whole thing is cooked in one pot, so no messy clean-up....
This Asian-style pork tenderloin with ginger orange marmalade is the perfect centerpiece for your dinner table! A flavorful spice mix rub gives the pork...
This beer marinated chicken with spices and lime in the marinade keeps the chicken drumsticks so juicy and tender all through the grilling that it's hard...
A delicious roast chicken salad made with brown and wild rice mixed together with avocado, apple cider vinegar, rocket leaves, slices of fresh nectarine,...
You have to try this easy to make Mushroom Ricotta Manicotti, which gets its creamy richness from a mix of cream, cream of mushroom soup, and ricotta cheese....
A testament to time-saving efficiency (or perhaps a little laziness on my part), these lemon blueberry corn muffins can be assembled in five minutes, thanks...
Dak bulgogi is a delicious, easy-to-make Korean chicken dish that's perfect for any night of the week. The sweet and savory bulgogi flavor makes this dish...
A great way to use Chinese New Year mandarin oranges. Classic buttermilk muffins with the oriental flavour of mandarin oranges. It's so amazing you'll...
A recipe by Vegetarian Times: "With their naturally rich, smoky flavor and slightly chewy texture, shiitake mushrooms bring instant umami to this vegetarian...
With a sweet and savory glaze, this rich and flavorful Corned Beef with Apricot Dijon Glaze is so easy to make! My secret? Tender corned beef is simmered...
Bacon. Cheese. Potatoes. Need I say more? This Cheesy Bacon Ranch Potatoes recipe only requires a few ingredients and makes a delicious side dish that...
A recipe by Prevention Magazine: "Simple to throw together and quick to cook, this colorful stir-fry looks and tastes just as good as any restaurant dish....
This wonderful Baked Eggs in Tomatoes recipe is a simple, delicious & healthy way to start your day! It would also make a fabulous lunch too. This classic...
Classic Vanilla Custard is one of my favourite desserts from my childhood. Milk, cream, vanilla and egg yolks are combined to make a thick, rich mixture...
This savory spinach and ricotta pie mixes soft ricotta cheese with fresh baby spinach on a bed of crunch puff pastry and is not only delicious, it's...
We love how the maple flavor pairs with the pork and thyme here, and its savory sweetness also helps the chops caramelize as they cook on the grill. This...
Berbere is an Ethiopian spice mix, made with a combination of spices grown in the region. Flavors are deep and exotic and warming, perfect for the cold...
This is a very simple recipe, one that I don't want you all to stress over. This is the recipe you make when you don't want stress in the kitchen. It's...
They are served with my favorite avocado salsa and topped with a creamy sour cream and cilantro sauce. The sour cream sauce is the perfect sauce for these...
No rice cooker, no problem- with this Vegetable Masala Curry with Basmati Rice, just use your microwave. This simple curry dish is packed with rich flavor...
This Smoked Ham with the Bourbon Praline glaze is the star of the show. For this recipe you'll double smoke a carving ham - and it's so simple anyone with...
This is the final (for now) recipe I am sharing from the Silver Palate Cookbook. It's an old book that first came out in the 70's and I personally believe...
Slow cooker recipes are great for potluck dinners, sporting events, birthdays, Sunday dinners, weekly meals, oh wait, just about every occasion under the...
Being a pop-up street food stand has pros and cons- we're free to choose where and when we set up, but there's no way of determining the exact amount of...
Sweet Chili Sauce is simple and tasty. The great thing is that it can be used for so many applications. It also stores nicely in the fridge for a few days....
This is a no-knead bread that can be started at 4:00pm and turned out onto the dinner table at 7:00pm. It is not artisan bread, and it's not trying to...
Baby shrimp are widely available frozen and precooked, so keep a couple of bags in the freezer for a versatile ingredient for a variety of meals. Mildly...
The French technique of cooking "in paper" gently steams your protein and veggies in liquid-wine, in this case-so barely any cooking fat is necessary....
Whenever I go out for Chinese Food, Chinese scallion bread is one of my absolute favorite things about it. I've already confessed about being a complete...