Excellent seasoning for all recipes that call for italian seasoning, I like to use it for just about everything Italian or not! Store in an airtight container;...
A staple in an Italian household, this is thrown together easily from ingredients always on hand. Makes a simple pasta dinner along with a salad or a nice...
This recipe was passed down to me from my great aunt, it is easy, authentic and delicious! The secret to making these gnocchi is to dry the ingredients...
A brownie-like biscotti that tastes great with a cup of coffee. Drizzle with more chocolate if desired. Especially popular in the winter time when coffee...
A traditional, easy, and delicious Italian custard. I had a difficult time finding a good and easy recipe on the internet, so I made up my own recipe....
I love this tangy lemon flavored sauce. It's quick, tasty and light. I serve it on a bed of buttered spaghetti or rice for my family. I'm a diabetic so...
I'm gonna show you how to make the world's most famous tuna sandwich, which is really the world's most famous tuna salad, the Niçoise, stuffed and pressed...
These grilled lamb burgers are served with slices of ripe tomatoes and red onion in pita bread with a fresh tasting cucumber sauce seasoned with fresh...
Our family's traditional Christmas recipe, frequently doubled and kept warm in a crock pot. Worth the effort, and the meatballs are even better the next...
This stunning lobster dish is surprisingly simple to make. Lobster shells are stuffed with cooked lobster in a creamy white wine sauce, then topped with...
This oven-roasted chicken is inspired by the Brathaehnchen served commonly in Bavarian Biergartens, small shops, and food carts. You can serve this chicken...
An easy recipe for the traditional holiday drink. If you don't have a tea ball, place spice mixture on a small piece of cheesecloth and tie with a string,...
This recipe is from Spain. Sherry or lemon juice is not always used, but either one adds a nice contrast to the richness of the oil and garlic. You can...
My mother has been making this Swiss steak for years. It is wonderful, and can be made either on the stove top or -- when you don't have a lot of time...
This recipe calls for a batter-like dough and is baked on a pizzelle iron. Powdered sugar adds an elegant touch. In the Italian version, vanilla is replaced...
The biggest challenge you will have with this recipe is that there is usually never enough. It makes an 11x7-inch pan, and is easily devoured by me and...
My grandfather came from Hungary when he was three. My grandmother made this recipe for a taste of home for him. It is Americanized, but still delicious....
Lasagna, with its delicious layers, can take a while to put together, but it's always worth it! This warm vegetarian version is a comfy dinner any day...
This yummy Dutch snack is sure to please! Seasoned veal dumplings are breaded and then fried. Replace ground veal with lean beef, chicken, or stuff with...
I came up with this recipe, because simply simmering sausages in beer and onions tasted weak. I was looking for a more intense beer flavor with a little...
I love making casseroles, and this one's so simple. The chicken breasts, Swiss cheese, and ham are cubed, rather than stuffed and rolled, giving you all...
I've only been to Tuscany once, but I do remember a grilled steak coming off a charcoal fire, which was then sliced and splashed with olive oil, lemon,...
It's almost St. Patrick's Day, and for many that means boiling up a nice authentic Irish dinner of corned beef and cabbage. The original Irish recipe actually...
My girlfriend Lauren LOVES this recipe so much that I simply HAD to add it to my ever-growing list of recipes! I saw this on "Everyday Italian" and just...
A Victoria Sponge was the favorite sponge cake of Queen Victoria, and has since become a tried-and-true recipe for tea-time sponge cakes. Victoria Sponges...
I fell in love with apfelkuchen when I was in 6th grade. Our teacher let us order from a local German bakery and eat our treats in class once a month....
Best homemade Italian beef I have ever had. My mom always made it and passed it down to me, I think it's just so good...I wanted everyone to enjoy it...so...