Domino's pizza was a strangely traditionalist chain for a long time. They sold only one kind of crust, called the regular pizza, and only in two sizes....
I came up with this recipe for my niece. I combined grilled cheese sandwiches with garlic bread. Its tasty, its quick and its the perfect appetizer for...
The most popular lasagna recipe on is now meatless! We guarantee that meat eaters won't be able to tell the difference! This Allrecipes...
In addition to being an incredible-tasting dessert, tiramisu also offers the perfect segue when you're trying to steer the Valentine's dinner conversation...
A true gourmet pizza, made even better because it's fast, easy, and inexpensive! Grilled chicken, tomato wedges, red onions, and green peppers topping...
Cooked chicken or turkey breast, pasta, veggies, sherry and broth with creamy and cheesy elements, all baked into a classic. This casserole is a great...
This dish is so delicious but also so simple to put toghether. It tastes great with rice and roasted asparagus. You could add a tablespoon or so of melted...
This is a recipe for traditional Italian pasta dough made with durum wheat semolina flour. You can use the dough to make any pasta you desire, such as...
A twist on the old standby! I like to use my homemade tomato sauce for this recipe, as well as using crushed croutons as the bread crumbs. A hint for shelling...
I love one-pan meals, especially when no measuring and exact ingredients are involved. I made this one Sunday when I didn't want to babysit my food in...
This is an authentic version of the popular wine drink. You can add any fruit that you want, but I find that apples and pears absorb all the rum. This...
I always make this meal for dinner parties - it looks and tastes like it takes all day to prepare, but it's actually quite simple. The best part is that...
A delicious option for homemade pizza! Butter garlic sauce, chicken, tomato, and ricotta and Parmesan cheeses are baked together for a delightfully light...
A beautiful two pan entree that'll please anyone who likes Italian sausage. Delicious with cheesy garlic bread and a sparkling white wine. My boyfriend...
This is one of my favorites and it is the MOST AUTHENTIC RECIPE! Other recipes that omit some of the ingredients, such as the heavy cream, are not the...
The best thing about a stuffed turkey is the oyster dressing. My grandma (Gigi) and mom would argue every year as to whether it was better made with cornbread...
This is a perfect ending to an Italian dinner! A favorite of my family's, this recipe was born as we were trying to figure out how to incorporate our bottles...
This baked chicken cacciatore was inspired by a lonely can of stewed tomatoes that were in the pantry. This is simple to make and sooooo good! I love to...
All the flavors of Italian pesto (fresh basil, pine nuts, Parmesan, and garlic) in a simple creamy sauce. Also works well with thinly sliced pork tenderloin....
I have no idea why this amazingly flavorful Genovese-style meat sauce isn't way more popular than it is. It's quite simply one of the best pasta sauces...
This is a quick easy recipe using any shape pasta, cream (or half-and-half), garlic, butter, and Parmesan cheese. It is very satisfying and the kids love...
I made this while watching 'A Farewell to Arms' on TV and realized the title suited the intent of the pasta, which was to celebrate the last gleanings...
This requires a pizzelle iron, similar to a waffle iron in appearance. Makes thin wafer-like cookies with snowflake designs, an Italian tradition for Christmas...
This is a great make-ahead dish from Marcia C. Adams of Fort Wayne, Indiana. It took the top $10,000 prize in the National Chicken Cooking Contest in Dallas,...
A friend of mine got this recipe while traveling in Italy. Chicken, mushrooms, and tortellini in rich cream sauce. Delicious! Serve sprinkled with parsley...
I found this recipe that my mother had written on the back of an envelope. She must have made it a bunch, because there were splatters all over the envelope!...
My wife and I went to that popular Italian-American restaurant chain for dinner recently, and I had their shrimp and chicken carbonara. It was absolutely...
This delicious meatball recipe comes from my Italian grandfather. Serve with your favorite marinara sauce, freshly grated Parmesan cheese, and a side of...
This classic Italian dish from Sicily is often simply referred to as 'Parmigiana' by the Sicilian locals. The richness and depth of flavor that you get...