Quick sautéing a chicken breast and making a pan sauce is an easy way to put dinner on the table on any busy weeknight. Sweet and acidic tomatoes and...
Scrambled eggs and bagels with lox are some of breakfast's most beloved dishes. Try this fun recipe that combines the two into a lox and cream cheese scramble....
Every home cook needs a go-to healthy pasta recipe, with a great homemade tomato sauce. This chicken penne pasta takes just 30 minutes, from stovetop to...
In a medium bowl, add chicken, 1 3⁄4 tablespoon garlic, ginger paste, soy sauce, rice vinegar, water, and 1 1⁄2 tablespoons of homemade chili masala...
Any night is a great night for quesadillas-especially if you're serving up these Spicy Beef Quesadillas! This quesadilla recipe with ground beef, sautéed...
This is a much easier, yet equally tasty, version of the typical long-cooking authentic Mexican main. This mole is made with beef, tomatoes and chili beans,...
Traditionally chicken is cooked slowly over a low heat, about 2 feet above real charcoal. Charcoal is started in pits before sunrise and 250+ halves are...
Lemon Almond Tilapia out of the air fryer is quick and easy, and can be served casually on a weeknight, or dressed up with a simple lemon cream sauce for...
You can't beat the simplicity of pasta e fagioli, aka Italian pasta and bean soup. It's comforting, healthy and will have your family begging for more....
This chicken recipe flavored with a simple marinade of lemon, basil, oil and seasonings is an easy one-pot meal the whole family will enjoy.Recipe courtesy...
A typical recipe from Provence, these Classic "Tomates Farcies" are the perfect addition to any Summer table. This unfussy recipe of ripe tomatoes, carved...
This creamy, rich tasting sweet corn risotto is an incredible way to prepare sweet corn! Made with roasted corn kernels and luscious cashew cream this...
Chicken is a tried and true protein. It's easy to make and an overall crowd pleaser. But there's always room to bring it to the next level, and this recipe...
This delicious recipe is my spin on a Three Sisters Soup. Three Sisters refers to a companion planting technique used for planting beans, corn and squash...
This colorful side dish works well alongside most main dishes from beef to chicken to fish. Any vegetable can easily be substituted for the peppers for...
These easy to make Marinated Grilled Pork Chops are perfectly savory with just a touch of sweetness! Whether grilled, broiled, baked or pan seared, your...
Avial, a simple and delicately spice mixed vegetable curry made with vegetables and coconut-yogurt paste. Its seasoning gives you the natural flavor of...
Split pea soup is one of those hearty soups that can stand in as a full meal. It's the best reason to bake a ham - so that you have the ham bone leftover...
This recipe for corned beef with cabbage is a version of a New England boiled dinner with the addition of split peas, cooked in a cheesecloth bag in the...
The outside of this scrumptious baked ham with an apricot honey glaze is perfectly caramelized, while the inside of the meat is delectably tender and juicy....
Ribs and napa cabbage marry in this one-pot meal simmered in flavorful hoisin sauce and garlic.This recipe by JeanMarie Brownson appeared in the Chicago...
Dig into this Instant Pot Chicken Stew with Farro for a dose of whole grains and lean protein. Stovetop instructions included. 336 calories and 4 Weight...
Chimichurri has its roots in Argentina, where it is usually slathered over grilled meat. Here, it lends spicy, garlicky goodness to a hearty bowl of sweet...