Skip the restaurant, and enjoy Chinese food at home with a veggie stir-fry served with hoisin sauce and moo shu pancakes (found in the frozen section of...
The result of an effort to recreate the best lamb shepherd's pie we've ever had, this recipe will blow you away with it's tangy, spicy flavor. Meat and...
Just a handful of everyday spices, garlic, a splash of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar and olive oil transforms into the most incredible flavor for...
This southwestern turkey rice casserole is a fantastic mix of spices, vegetables and lean protein. It all comes together in about 30 minutes for a healthy...
Deborah Harroun from tasteandtellblog shares a way to change up your side dish. Bored of your normal beans and rice? This rice will make your tastebuds...
Tender, juicy pan-seared T-Bone steaks are seasoned with savory steak seasoning, seared to perfection, then basted with a garlic herb butter! The flavor...
Take your enchiladas to the next level by layering them in a pan for a vegan enchilada casserole to die for. Layered with corn tortillas, vegetables, lentil...
These super easy to make Shrimp Enchiladas combine all of the flavors you love in enchiladas with tender shrimp! This tasty Mexican food dinner is filled...
Tuscan Chicken and White Bean Soup - Tuscan chicken and bean soup is a delicious, hearty one pot meal. It's easy to make from scratch, but if you're...
Sushi without fish? Absolutely no problem! If you are a sushi fan, you will love this easy vegan sushi recipe with avocado, tofu, carrots, and cucumber....
This easy to make Panda Express Beijing Beef copycat recipe is just what you need to enjoy the popular sweet and tangy beef entree at home! Strips of flank...
If you like cooking without stress and love the flavors of Korean BBQ, this sous vide Korean BBQ Pork Loin recipe is what you've been looking for. Sweet,...
If you have the time to spend, you'll be rewarded when you make these orange braised beef short ribs. They are just slightly sweet, and the soy adds a...
This tangy Lemon Butter Baked Cod Fish is baked in a creamy lemon butter sauce that is a purely sinful delight! The light flakiness of a superb cod fillet...
The Shredded Chicken Sandwich is one of the most classic sandwiches in Ohio. This hot and creamy chicken sandwich is so easy to make, only requires a handful...
Welcome hungry mouths with a fiesta of flavors packed into a baked chicken, cheese and tortilla favorite. Chile Chicken Enchiladas are tasty, satisfying,...
If you have a sourdough starter and are wondering what to do with your discard, Sourdough Buttermilk Banana Pancakes are the answer! These are the big...
This simple grilled harissa chicken dinner starts with jarred harissa sauce and has just a few additional ingredients, making it a meal that is easy to...
Tortilla Española is the perfect any-time dish - whip it up for breakfast, lunch, dinner or a light tapas-style bite with a glass of Spanish wine! Here...
This vegan gluten-free curry is pure HEALTHY COMFORT FOOD with a fusion of Thai and Indian flavors!! Hearty, delicious, easy, ready in 30 minutes, and...
In under an hour, Jill's Chicken Provençal recipe elevates just a handful of ingredients into a sublime classic. It's a great option for informal entertaining...
Country Pie is old-fashioned comfort food at its best, and it's a snap to make. The savory ground beef crust perfectly complements the creamy rice, tomato...
This is an easy Vegetarian Rice Pilaf recipe. Sometimes you go to a nice restaurant and order an entree with rice on the side, and the rice in most cases...
Will you miss the meat in this tasty Roasted Tomato and Mushroom Pasta recipe? Not a chance! Perfect for a meatless dinner option. 264 calories and 6 Weight...
These vegetarian fajitas make the perfect weeknight meal for the whole family. They're super easy to make, packed with flavor and protein, and they're...
Sink your teeth into these bold sandwiches packed with barbeque flavor. Coated in Grill Mates Sweet & Smoky Rub, this beef brisket comes off the grill...
Turn the leftovers from last night's tenderloin roast into a scrumptious and quick lunch today! Spiced up with a quick avocado spread and popular southwestern,...
Using an Instant Pot® (pressure cooker) is a great way to cook pork chops because the result is always tender and moist. This recipe has an easy glaze...
This Easy Chicken Posole Verde is a quick and simple version of the Mexican classic that still delivers all the flavors your family loves. The dish is...