This one-dish chicken and biscuit recipe saves clean-up time. A 1970s version suggested topping the chicken with drained canned peach halves after adding...
Looking for a hearty snack to feed a party? Then check out these sloppy Joe sandwiches made with a flavorful ground beef mixture that's been cooked all...
Enjoy your dinner with this delicious pasta and cheese layered casserole made using spinach and Muir Glen™ organic tomatoes - perfect if you love Italian...
This creamy gnocchi recipe is a dreamy way to weeknight dinner. Since it's a hearty, richly flavored meal that's made in a single dish and even includes...
Chili with a baked-on crust is a main dish so delicious it's hard to believe it's so easy! Your family will love this variation on a long-time favorite,...
Yes, you read that right: taco-stuffed pasta shells! You no longer have to choose between Italian or Mexican food for dinner-this dish has it all. Made...
It looks like a fancy restaurant dish, but easy prep makes this chicken breast recipe perfect for a weeknight dinner. Made with either homemade or prepared...
Jerk used to refer to the slow-cook, smoking method used for preparing meat in Caribbean cuisine, but in modern days refers to the spices used to prepare...