This moist pulled pork, slow-cooked with Progresso™ chicken broth, cider vinegar, and barbecue sauce, is topped with a crunchy slaw for an easy dish...
Craving tacos, and you have all the ingredients except the shells? No problem! This hearty meal tastes just like tacos and is equally as it...
Pesto is easy to make from scratch with just a handful of ingredients. Its fresh flavor is the highlight of this super-fast pasta dish, packed with cherry...
Make an elegant dinner and master a technique that you'll use over and over again. These ham-and-cheese stuffed chicken breasts are a classic European...
Chicken Parmesan gets a new spin in this easy-to-make (and quick-to-disappear!) pasta bake. Jumbo shells are stuffed with cheesy chicken filling and topped...
If you're looking to make the best lamb stew, this recipe is all you need! Comforting, fall-apart tender braised lamb with loads of veggies, chickpeas...
This easy no-fail roasted leg of lamb recipe, with a special Mediterranean seasoning, will give you the BEST lamb roast every single time! Remember, the...
The best meals are the ones that take little effort while still earning that homemade label, and this Slow-Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup is the perfect...
Grandma's meatloaf recipe is an old-fashioned favorite, made with ground beef, chili sauce or ketchup, and oats. It's a great choice for an everyday...
Hearty chili with creamy macaroni and cheese is an unbeatable comfort, and this 100-percent scratch version is the ultimate! Zesty Tex-Mex flavoring, cheddar...
French onion soup gets its rich flavor and color from the cooking of the onions. While they simmer, the flavors become intense, making this soup a savory...
All-star eggplant recipe, prepared Greek style! Eggplants cooked to velvety tender perfection with chickpeas and tomato. A perfectly satisfying meatless...
Easy saffron-infused seafood paella recipe with lobster and shrimp! No need for a special paella pan, a large sturdy skillet like cast iron will work well....
If the idea of enjoying a warm bowl of homemade chicken and dumplings with less hands-on cooking time sounds like a delicious idea, that means it's time...
Mujadara (mujaddara) is a signature Middle Eastern dish of lentils and rice garnished with crispy onions. Comforting in the best way, this vegan lentils...
These Three-Cheese Beef Pasta Shells can be ready to impress in no time at all. Perfect for company and cozy nights at home, this hearty dish only looks...
All you need is four ingredients and a slow cooker to make an incredibly moist and meltingly tender crockpot whole chicken that's way better than the store-bought...
Easy one-pan chicken dinner ready in 20 minutes! No dry or boring chicken breasts here -- with some seasonings and a light, silky dairy-free mushroom sauce,...
A classic American staple-pot roast-gets a flavor update from easy-to-find Asian ingredients. This sweet and savory shredded beef is perfect served over...
If you've been searching for "the one," that is a reliably delicious spaghetti sauce that will please the family, freeze well and get better overnight,...
Hundreds of home cooks agree that this slow cooker Italian sausage lasagna is the best and easiest way to make lasagna you'll ever try. Just pack the slow-cooker...