For those with food sensitivities like myself, I created this eggplant lasagna that is wheat, dairy, and egg free. If you are not vegan, you could add...
I got this recipe from a cooking class in Hoi An, Vietnam. Such a flavorful and easy way to prepare eggplant. Now this is a family favorite! Serve garnished...
This eggplant is first baked, then brushed with an herb mixture, and finally broiled. Serve as a wonderful appetizer, or with a green salad and rice pilaf...
Roasting the eggplants at a high heat will make the flesh very tender while making the skin a little crispy. This recipe is from Gunpowder, an Indian restaurant...
Use this master formula as your guide-but feel free to get creative with the add-ins. A dried chile? Sure! A few sprigs of herbs from your windowsill?...
A little tricky and time consuming, this dish is a sure show stopper! Similar to potato boats, only spicy instead of cheesy. This dish is totally vegetarian...
This is a great side dish that I learned about while teaching English in China. It goes well as a side dish with seafood, burgers, barbecued meats or almost...
Maccheroni e Melanzane This is a pasta dish that is served in Sicilian homes and home-style restaurants, rather than upscale places. The recipe calls for...
Eggplant is one of my favorite vegetables. I think it is an underestimated and underused vegetable. It tastes much better when fried. However, it can absorb...
The sweetness of grilled vegetables is balanced by a tart tomato sauce, which mixes perfectly with simple couscous. Preferably use a heavy grill pan. If...