What could be nicer than warm classic but basic muffins in a napkin on the morning breakfast table? And they are so quick and easy to make, particularly...
This ultimate meatloaf recipe took rounds and rounds of testing to get just right. Our final version incorporates an ideal blend of seasoned ground beef...
Traditional egg bread for the Jewish Sabbath. You can add 1 cup raisins or golden raisins to the dough just before shaping and then make the loafs into...
A fresh brioche can be served with jelly or other preserves to accompany tea or coffee, or with pate or hors d'oeuvre. The tops of the small ones can easily...
This pudding is really best when made a year in advance and allowed to mellow. It was customary to make it early in Advent - the religious season before...
This breakfast treat rises like Yorkshire pudding and has the texture of a classic baked pancake. Sprinkle powdered sugar over the pancake after it's baked,...
This recipe has all the makings for your new favorite classic fish sandwich: Crispy fried white flounder fillets enveloped in two thick slices of white...
This Jewish treat is a hybrid of sweet roll, swirl bread, and coffee cake. It's a sweet yeast dough that you roll out, fill, and roll up like a jelly roll,...
Among the many stories regarding the origins of this dish, the one we deemed "most likely, and most likely to succeed" came to us in 1944. E. Clarke King...
Bread Pudding with Spiced Rum Sauce "During a visit to Biloxi, Mississippi, I had dinner at The Seafood Buffet in the Grand Casino," Brenda Hill of Ann...
At Shubox Cafe, this dessert is known as Awesome Coconut Cake, aptly named by one of the cafe's best customers. To make this recipe, you'll need to buy...
This is an incredibly dark, very moist cake - a serious chocolate lovers' cake. It is so chocolatey that I like it with a fluffy white icing like the Italian...
It just wouldn't be a holiday without my mom preparing a pasta course, whether it precedes the turkey at Thanksgiving or follows antipasti at Easter. My...
For decades, the restaurant Lutèce-with chef André Soltner behind the stove-was the pinnacle of French cuisine in New York City. Soltner's Alsace onion...
Gooey-bouncy on the inside and crispy-chewy on the outside, mochi cake is a texture we just can't get enough of. Made from glutinous sweet rice flour,...
It's impossible to go wrong with pecan pie. Especially one that is really loaded with nuts, has a little verve from orange zest, and isn't overly sweet-exactly...
Recipes for this dessert, also known as chocolate upside-down cake and hot fudge pudding cake, turn up in cookbooks published by women's clubs and church...
Here they are-the top sellers at The Shop and sure to be a big hit at home. Most traditional meatball recipes call for Parmesan or pecorino cheese. While...