This is a really delicious recipe that I've been making for years. Everyone who tries it wants the recipe! You have to spend a little time chopping all...
This Marinated mini bell peppers recipe is so easy. There is no slicing, no dicing, no seeding required. You can make these mini sweet peppers a full week...
This apple slab pie is easy and quick to make and you don't even have to struggle with making your own dough; a store-bought puff pastry will work just...
This BLT Pasta Salad Recipe is that perfect summertime pasta salad for potlucks and barbecues! The pasta combined with juicy tomatoes, lettuce and bacon...
Is your shower head clogged? Is it slow running or at a lower pressure than normal? Try this simple and easy fix for most shower head problems! Be careful...
This Hamburger Soup is loaded with tender ground beef, diced tomatoes, and hearty veggies. A warming and comforting soup recipe that is perfect for the...
A delicious one dish casserole. It's special enough for special events like bridal showers or graduation. It's an amazing dish! A local caterer uses this...
These chicken sandwich melts are scrumptious and they are an easy company-ready dish that takes minutes to put together. They will win over a crowd every...
Another pet recipe found on the net. I've tried them, using plain low fat yogurt, much to my dog's delight. But then, whats not to love: peanut butter,...
I didn't have any idea what to do with the chuck steaks in my freezer so I read a few recipes here and on other sites and came up with this. I served it...
Warning...this recipe is not for the faint of heart :o) It is just a tad labor intensive, but after watching two contestants get eliminated on Top Chef-...
Spicy Glazed Maple Salmon for two makes the perfect weeknight dinner. All you need is 20 minutes to make this healthy meal. Serve with sweet potato fries...
I have been unable to find Quark at our local supermarket so decide to look for a recipe on the internet. Voila, it was there on a blog by Peanut Butter...
These juicy Grape Jelly Meatballs are the best appetizer recipe! Tender and juicy meatballs smothered in a sweet and spicy sauce and slow-cooked to perfection....
Once you try these in will wonder why you did not think of it yourself...flavors complement each other I sometimes use brown sugar in...
This is the easiest almond cake with just 4 main ingredients. This cake has a soft, moist crumb and is lightly sweet with a pop of lemon flavor. You won't...
This spicy, smoky Latin Chicken dish boasts a good portion of your daily fiber and beta carotene thanks to black beans and sweet potatoes. And with just...