This spectacularly simple green sauce may be the perfect summer condiment. It requires no cooking, only takes 10 to 15 minutes to make, looks gorgeous,...
This chunky, smoky salsa tastes amazing with tortilla chips. Roasted tomatoes, garlic, onion and jalapeno are blended with cilantro and cumin to create...
A boyfriend's mother taught me this great dipping sauce for artichokes and asparagus. It's somewhat like aioli. Replace dried basil for fresh, and garlic...
This creamy, decadent dip is best served with slices of Italian bread as an appetizer, but is very filling and could be served as part of a main course!...
This is the Lebanese version of cream cheese, a lot tastier and lower in calories. Serve on a plate, sprinkled with olive oil, olives, tomatoes, cucumbers...
A cream cheese dip that's loved by all (unless they're counting calories)! You can substitute reduced-fat cream cheese if you wish. It's been my favorite...
This hummus can be made 1 day ahead. Keep it refrigerated, and bring to room temperature before serving. Tahini is a paste made from sesame seeds and can...
This concoction is a result of my experimental efforts in trying to copy a favorite Greek restaurant's tzatziki sauce. Serve with gyros, pita bread, chips,...
A tasty twist to salsa; great served over cream cheese with tortilla chips or crackers! A great way to save those green tomatoes when there is an early...
This dip is a hit whether you serve it at a block party or a formal dinner party! It really tastes like a BLT. You can cut the fat down if you want to...
French-Canadian pork spread for toast and crackers....This was my memere's recipe and so far I have never had any better. Very simple to make :) I guess...
Easy and delicious fruit dip. Always a hit, and the kids LOVE IT. Slice up a selection of fruit and snacks to serve with the dip. My family likes apples,...
We tried a couple of recipes; this was voted the best! The Gruyere gives a very sweet and nutty flavour to the fondue, the sharp Cheddar makes it tangy,...
This is a great, easy recipe people love. Our family has made it for gatherings for as long as I can remember. Refried beans are layered with guacamole,...
I've always enjoyed hot spinach artichoke dip, but it always struck me as a little oily. I decided to try a mayo-less version, and then raised the stakes...
This is an easy cold dip that my husband begs me to make every holiday. I originally got the recipe from my mother-in-law, and I substituted chives for...
Tastes just like the expensive BoursinĀ® cheese spread you buy at the store. Reduced-fat cream cheese works well in this recipe. Delicious spread on crackers...
No matter what you're grilling this summer, chances are good you're going to have more hot coals than food to cook on it, which makes baba ghanoush the...
My family loves the salsa from Carlos O'Kelly's. This is as close as I can come and it is delicious! You can add anything to this salsa, we've added different...
When I couldn't figure out what to do with a roll of bulk chorizo sausage, this recipe was born. It may sound similar to other dip recipes, but don't let...
Very good-tasting recipe that was given to me by my mother. Try it, you will like it. Everyone who has had this raves about it. Best if made a day or several...
Formerly known as 'Neiman Marcus dip,' this million dollar dip tastes just like it sounds. I've had more than a few cheesy dips in my day, but this is...
My ex's mom had the best hand-chopped salsa fresca I have ever tasted back in college. Over the years, I have tweaked it to something my friends and family...
This cheesy, creamy spinach artichoke dip couldn't be simpler - just mix together and bake! Serve with French or sourdough bread. Recipe created by Amie...