This super-healthy recipe heroes the gluten-free grain, quinoa, which is full of all-important protein and fibre. Paired with lean chicken in this tasty...
Patsy first tried these amazing garlic and chilli prawns in Torremolinos in southern Spain, where she enjoyed them as part of a delicious tapas spread....
This is a lovely gentle introduction to bolder flavours - my kids absolutely love it. And if you're just making it for grown-ups, feel free to use mirin...
Elegant, delicious and on the table in just 15 minutes - this prawn pasta hits the spot and feels a bit posh, too. By finely chopping most of the prawns,...
Juicy pan-fried duck breast pairs an absolute treat with spring's bounty of asparagus, new potatoes and peas. With best flavour friends chilli, mint and...
Elevate the humble aubergine to the next level with this fun dish - the crunch of breadcrumbs contrasts beautifully with the buttery, silky aubergine....
Sprouts are super-quick to cook, so they're brilliant in stir-fries like this, plus both alfalfa and beansprouts give us a good hit of folic acid, which...
This is hollandaise like you've never seen before. Follow this method for a really easy, no whisk, no splitting, silky, elegant sauce. Really fresh, really...
Duck works brilliantly with Asian flavours. The simple steamed greens, crispy chilli, ginger and garlic, and the tangy dressing provide the perfect backdrop...
This dish will change fish suppers forever! What I love about this recipe is it's a really foolproof way to cook fish perfectly, every time. And with just...
This colourful family favourite is really fun to put together. Quick pickled cabbage brings a hit of extra flavour, and with just five ingredients, it's...
Spiked with crispy bacon, rosemary and spinach, these creamy beans are a great match for a crispy-skinned duck breast. A delicious comforting dinner, on...
Cooking courgettes slowly until they're all sticky and caramelised gives them an unbelievable flavour - be patient, and trust me, the investment will be...