This is a recipe I discovered about 25 years ago when grape gelatin was hard to find! It's a terrific side dish or a delicious dessert. It's very rich...
This is a light and fluffy dessert salad based on pistachio pudding; the pudding is made lighter with the addition of whipped topping. Add an extra can...
My mom Elva came up with this recipe to have with Thanksgiving dinner. Since then it has become a Thanksgiving tradition, however we also enjoy it in the...
Caught in a pinch for a salad when unexpected company showed up at mealtime, I improvised with this combination. Instantly it became one of my family's...
This tangy fruit salad is perfect with turkey or ham, and has always been on our holiday table. With real whipped cream, walnuts, and pineapple, it's a...
My great grandmother made this every holiday. Simply unmold onto a pretty serving plate and watch your guests or your family ooh and ahh. Makes a pretty...
A friend taught me to make this years ago - without a recipe. It is very quick and easy. The sweet, creamy salad is great as a cool, refreshing side dish...
This is a really good dessert. The combo of sweet, crunchy, and slightly salty is super good. It is very popular here in the Mississippi Valley. Plan ahead,...
This heavenly fruit salad tossed with homemade whipped cream came about when bananas, mangoes, and blueberries were on sale for Mother's Day, and I was...