Made with both cocoa powder and dark chocolate, these cookies have a bold flavor that goes well with espresso. This recipe is one of our Better Basics:...
The rich, tangy creme fraiche and a bit of vinegar cut the sweetness of the macerated berries in this parfait. You can also use vanilla ice cream in place...
Orange marmalade is good for more than hot buttered toast. Try it in this recipe for almond cupcakes: It gets incorporated into the batter and makes a...
This intermediate-level meringue is far more stable than its French counterpart, yet not as hardy as Italian meringue. Its most common, and arguably most...
Aromatic Concord grapes may be a fleeting autumn experience, but their distinctively sweet, musky flavor lingers on in this tart's vibrant filling. A cluster...
A spiced dough is placed in a carved wooden mold and turned out in these Dutch and Belgian cookies. Recipe courtesy of pastry chef and cookbook author...
This sophisticated lemon parfait contrasts the different degrees of richness, sweetness, and acidity of lemon-buttermilk sherbet, lemon sorbet, layers...
This traditional sauce, made from caramelized sugar and milk, can be served by itself or over ice cream or fruit, as we did in our Bunuelos with Vanilla...
This delicious raw-food tart features a shell made with pecans and dates and a creamy filling made with blended cashews and coconuts -- all topped with...
Feel free to add a sprinkle of cinnamon and some brown sugar along with the butter. Some apple varieties hold their shape better than others when cooked,...
Rock shrimp and andouille sausage give these little pies some Cajun flair. Freezing the puff pastry rounds before baking them atop the ramekins helps them...
One bite and you'll know why these cake squares, which are kosher for Passover, are such crowd-pleasers. The dessert's caramel glaze and nut topping make...
Unused dough can be stored, wrapped well in plastic, in the refrigerator for up to three days or in the freezer for up to one month. If you have only one...
Who can resist velvety chocolate -- bittersweet, milk, or white -- topped with nuts, candy, or dried fruit? Try our other bark variations, or experimentwith...
Bursting with bright citrusy flavor, these cupcakes call for orange zest in the batter and homemade orange curd in the filling. Swirls of vanilla buttercream...
Pumpkin lends itself to many dishes both savory and sweet. A large scoop of pumpkin ice cream drenched in caramel sauce and garnished with candied pumpkin...
In Kentucky and its environs, this dessert once served as a wedding cake; neighbors and friends might have each brought a layer, and the hosts would add...
This holiday dessert takes the flavor of pumpkin pie and transforms it into a comforting bread pudding drizzled with dulce de leche. Bake it up to 2 days...
Vegetable oil subs in for butter in this fruit-topped, vanilla-scented cake, reducing the saturated fat; whole-wheat flour boosts the fiber and lends a...
An all-butter pate brisee is the pinnacle of pie-making, rewarding bakers with a golden and delicately tender crust. Use this recipe as a crust for our...