Cut a slice of this rich and fudgy chocolate cake...if you dare. Crunchy malt balls in the ganache center will leave you wondering if the "cockroaches"...
The white shade of this frosting belies the fresh mint flavor, which is achieved by steeping fresh mint in milk when making the custard base, and then...
This impressive ice-cream dessert makes the most of summer fruit. This recipe calls for lining the entire mold with raspberries, which is best done when...
Try this recipe, adapted from "Martha Stewart's Cookies," for a sparkling sweet treat. Serve with a Brandy Alexander for a distinctive dessert course at...
Marshmallow Cookie Sandwiches were born when Tennessee gave us the Moon Pie in 1917, marking one giant leap for snack-kind. The homemade version is out...
Use this recipe to make our Apple Praline Tart. The amount of water you need will vary. Add only enough to make the dough come together when you press...
This versatile batter takes kindly to stone fruits like plums (shown here), peaches, and even cherries. Try it in fall with apples or pears, in spring...
Parsnips give an earthy dimension to this bread pudding, which melds cubes of brioche, grated cheese, and thyme. The vegetarian dish is yummy enough to...
These soft bars filled with raspberry jam are more virtuous than many coffee-break treats. Applesauce gives the cookies a cakelike texture; whole-wheat...
The cookie cutters for these cookies are available at To make the Woodlands Gingerbread House, use one batch of this dough to make the...
For this recipe, you will need an accurate candy thermometer. You'll also need to cut three-inch square pieces of waxed paper or cellophane in which to...
To make a coffee-flavored Creme Anglaise, add 1 1/2 teaspoons, or more to taste, of best-quality instant-coffee powder to each cup of scalded milk before...
An easy-to-make (no ice cream maker or special equipment required) frozen dessert like this should come with a warning -- thanks to a layer of sweet-and-tart...
"I was raised in a Jewish family in Los Angeles, so I didn't celebrate a white Christmas," Elizabeth Colling says. But there was always eggnog. She worked...
Bursting with fresh blueberries, this flavorful cake from Lori Sandler's "The Divvies Bakery Cookbook" is made without eggs, nuts or dairy, so even those...
Topping cheesecake with shimmering fruit is nothing new, but we spun this one in two fresh directions: We swapped out the expected cherries for ruby-red...
In late summer, when zucchini and tomato seasons overlap, seize the moment to make this southern classic. In this modernized version from cookbook author...
Don't be afraid of these friendly ghosts-they're easy to make. Creating enough to cover and peek out from behind a cake takes no time at all, especially...
These island-inspired biscotti are studded with dried papaya, candied ginger, and pistachios. Certainly a departure from the traditional Italian flavor...
Fresh ginger adds an unexpected twist to traditional rice pudding. We dipped pieces of crystallized ginger in melted chocolate for a delicious garnish....
The "pond" in a Sussex pond comes from the liquid that slowly cooks inside the pastry; as the pudding steams, butter and brown sugar melt into sliced lemons,...